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歌曲里有 哈地呦嘟 是什么歌曲?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-03 11:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 07:25

是这个吗?歌名是《how do you do》

How do you do
You like me and I like you
Come and take me by the hand
Cuz I wanna be your friend
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Say my how do you do you do
How do you do you do
When I`m going on each time a holiday
And my plane leaves to a place so far away
I`m so happy cuz its time to celebrate
Oh I feel like I could dance
Different people all around the globe don`t know
What to say when there`s a stranger I will show
That there is a way you can communicate
Everybody understands
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Come and take me by the hand
Cuz I wanna be your friend
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Say my how do you do you do
How do you do you do
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Come and take me by the hand
Cuz I wanna be your friend
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Say my how do you do you do
How do you do you do
How do you do
It`s so easy when you want to make a friend
When the sun is shining in a distant land
There`s a certain feeling that surrounds your mind
And you feel like you can dance
When you`re going to the south of Africa
To America or to Australia
You`ll see people of all colors and all kinds
Everybody understands
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Come and take me by the hand
Cuz I wanna be your friend
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Say my how do you do you do
How do you do you do
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Come and take me by the hand
Cuz I wanna be your friend
How do you do
You like me and I like you
Say my how do you do you do
How do you do you do
How do you do追问不是的,没口哨声,也不是合唱的。


热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 07:25

是一个 约德尔调类歌曲吧 德国一种山歌 很好听
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