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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-11 15:46



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 06:04

Simplified Smartphone Tycoon 2 Guide: Infinite Research Points

This comprehensive guide offers a detailed walkthrough for the Android version of "Smartphone Tycoon 2: Infinite Research Points v2.0.3". Dive into the exciting world of mobile phone manufacturing and business strategy as you create your dream company.

The game invites players to build a unique brand, hiring staff for technological advancements and designing aesthetics to stand out in the competitive market. With a focus on realistic elements, the game's intricate graphics and customization options make it highly engaging.

Gameplay Overview

Customize phone designs by recruiting experts, choosing materials like Gorilla Glass and surgical-grade steel, and selecting features like camera quality and CPU performance.
Target specific customer groups and create unique phone models to gain a competitive edge.
Explore the freedom to design every aspect, from basic shape to advanced technological specifications.

Key Strategies

Focus on research, manufacturing, staff management, and marketing to boost your company's success.
Master the four main game modules: phone design, manufacturing, employee selection, and advertising.
Pay attention to detail in phone design, as it impacts performance and market perception.

Patch Notes and Tips

Enjoy unlimited research points and gold with the modified version, but be cautious about updating or saving new games. Opt for a compatible system (8.1 or 9.0+) for better performance.

Understand that there are two versions available, and updating from one to the other can affect your game features. If you have a modified version, avoid updating unless absolutely necessary.

For those without saved progress, search for "Lucky Cracker" in game boxes to access unlimited in-game purchases.

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