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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-17 01:20



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 16:29


蛇:SO I finally being found out .O ,such a pity!

三代:Oh ,X Explain yourself ,what's the meaning of this?

蛇:And after I set all those booby traps to give me plenty of warning。 I wasn't expecting you.I should have known you could get past anthing。

暗部:A study full of people have gone missing from the villege,X,X,X many of them were ...with you.And you have been acting strangely.
You disappear X,How could you done such a thing?

蛇:Now I have to kill you as well。

三代:what exactly are you work to in here?

蛇:Oh,well,since you've got me right handed, there is no point pretending now, is there? It’s research.I'm developing X.

三代:It's forbbiden X.you are after, isn't it?
Just what you want?

蛇:I want everything!

三代:Everything?What exactly?

蛇:I want to know every X in the world,and even those X yet to be discovered.I like the one who first took blue and yellow, constantly mixed them together and created a new color, green.Only in my case,the color blue represents X,the color yellow HAND SIGN. and the green a new X.And just as there are countless shades of color in the world ,there must be almost limitless number of X.To find them,to unlock the truth long hidden from moral life that takes years,endless experimentation. Ultimately, the truth reviews itself.Only do one who prove himself worthy,one who was willing to sacrefice years of his life.But at last, I found there are not enough years and even no longest life.This mortal existing system is too fleeting.
Yes,***One day, I would die that would be the end of it.

三代:Oh,X,what's thought forbidden X have you been seeking here.

蛇:Oh,I think you've already guessed.Eternal youth and immortality .

热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 16:31

大蛇丸:So i finally being find out it ,oh such a pity!
火影:Orochimaru,explain yourself what's the meaning fo this!
大蛇丸:And after i set all the bubby trap to get my plan warning,i wasn't expecting you,i should know it ,now you can ask anything
火影下部:....people gone or missing from the village ,Gannin、truenin、even unbubragas,Many of them are lassing with you ,And youve been acting rather strangely
火影下部2:You,disappeared ...How can you done such thing!
大蛇丸:Now,i have to kill you as well
火影:So you admit that it is all you doing Orochimaru! But why?
What exactly are you working here
大蛇丸:oh well.since you got my red hand that it's no point to pretend now,isn't it ?It's research ,i am developing JUTU,For that
it sacrifice your ....
火影:Just say what you want
大蛇丸:I want everything
火影:everything?waht exactly
大蛇丸:I want to know every JUTU in the world,and even those JUTU yet undiscovered,i'd like the one first took bule and yellow mix them together and create a new color,Green.

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