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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-16 23:23



热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 22:17

Anzhou elementary school of Xianju of Zhejiang(AZESXZ) is a famous elementary school of Zhejiang Provence, which has more than a hundred years history and locates at Yong'an street, the so called GoldenTruck of Xianju county. From the very beginning to now, her name and address changed several times. With the effort generation by generation, she has made a number of firsts in the education history of Xianju and 20 more honorary titles such as theNational Red Flag Baby Eagle Eeam, the Civilization Unit of Zhejiang Provence,the Civilization School of Zhejiang Provence,the Advanced Educational Research Collective of Zhejiang Provence,the Educational Research Campus School of Zhejiang Provence. She has formed a pioneering and unyielding spirit and deep cultural accumulation.
she has 58 classes, 3500 more students and 138 faculties and staffs.

in the recent years, AZESXZ holds her school running idea, that is to make the foundation of the pupil's growing up, to pave the road for faculties' developing. To promote( drive forward) her "happiness home" construction, harmony, high-efficiency and quality are set as her characters. by means of some carrier----national Demonstration Bases of civilization proprieties, handwriting experimental base of Zhejiang province, AZESXZ has yielded a rich harvest in manner culture, effectively education and handwriting teaching method.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 22:19

OMG 这么多。
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