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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-21 18:46



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 09:21

1. The watchapp cannot be downloaded to the phone due to an unstable network connection.
2. To resolve the issue, turn off the phone, restart it, and change the network connection.
3. According to relevant information, watchapp refers to the AppleWatch mobile ECG and atrial fibrillation software. Here's how to use it:
1. Long press the function button below the crown on the AppleWatch to turn it off.
2. Open the Settings app on your phone, click on Login to iPhone on the home screen of Settings, and log in with the account containing ECG data.
3. In AppleID, tap iCloud, turn off all synchronization buttons except Health, and click iCloud backup.
4. Click Back Up Now and wait for about 1 minute for the backup to complete. Return to the home screen, tap Health App, and click on your profile picture.
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the menu to check if the last backup time is after logging in to the ECG account. Tap Browse in the main menu, scroll down and tap Heart.
6. If there is one ECG data record, tap on the Heart icon in the settings, scroll down and tap on the ECG app icon on the AppleWatch desktop menu. Tap Open and follow the prompts to set up the data for normal use.
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