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开头是love 结尾是在你的怀里,,一首女生唱的英文歌,好多年前的了_百 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-06 13:22



热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 16:38

歌曲: Where I'M At 歌手: Notes From Th.. 专辑: 《Follow Me Dow..》
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Lloyd Banks Ft. Eminem - Where I'm At

Yeah you got me,
I'm up now, it's your loss
suffered to you
History is like a co-ordinal delay
keeps repeating itself, what else can I say
you wondering why I act this way
never should have gave you the time of day
I guess you know what time it is now ay

There must of been a gust of wind
cause you change your mind everytime it blows
and you just changed it a motherf-ckin again
you just said you just wanted some dick 'fore i stuck it in
I wouldnt of been such a prick to you
f-ckin men you say you dont trust em
why do I hear the sound of toilets flushing
some sh-t is goin down
you must've just not of been truthful from the start
see for me it'd be nothing to say you never had my heart
but I'd be lyin
f-ckin see why they call this bullsh-t a relationship, ships sink
and you know its love as soon as you fall in it cause shit stinks
and it feels like everytime i f-ckin do i get jynxed
cupid must've put a curse on me
6 weeks have went buy and we only spoke twice
I'm sittin in your driveway callin' you from the car
suffice I think its safe to say you're not at home
I'm callin your cell phone you answer
but I can tell though that your not alone
how was I to know it should of been time to go a long time ago
I kept holdin on
its comical when I think back now
why I couldnt get the hint
you feel the draft you were throwin I wasnt catchin' your drift
but theres a cold breeze blowin over me
Im over you, success is the best revenge to pay you back
and that payment is overdo
I overcame odds to get even
the sober me is shittin on the unsober you
and I hope they play this in every club your go into
I'm hauntin' you bitch everywhere you turn im following you
cause I loved you with every ounce of me
you know its true, its killin you now, yeah
I hope the hoe dies slow in you
its cause of you now I dont 'em trust at all
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