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谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 150单词 题目:Is Money Everything? 最好...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 03:23



热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 21:35

Is Money Everything?
Money can bring people good life and no one in the world don't like money.People always want to get a bigger house,a cooler car,a more fashion coat and even everything ,so people want more money to make their dream come true.More and more people spend all their time making money,which make them lose happiness in their daily life.
Money is not everything in our life.We can't use money to buy our health and happiness.I will prefer spending a full day playing with my family in the open to working in the office building.I would rather have a strong body than a seaside villas.I'd like to give away all I have to get back my happy childhood.
Don't put too much attention to money and happiness is the essence of life.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 21:39

Money is considered by some people as the most important thing in their life. They think that the majority of the material things in our daily life has to be bought with money and that if they have a lot of money, they can make themselves very comfortable by having a fine house to live in, beautiful clothes to put on, and delicious food to eat.

But money is not everything. Take time and life for example. No matter what we do, or how much money we are willing to pay, we cannot make the day last longer than 24 hours. Suppose there is a millionaire who possesses everything except good health. By the time he is suffering from a fatal illness, what he wants most is life. Though money can help him get first-rate doctors and the best medical care, money can not by him a longer life.

Money, moreover, is the root of all evils. Being greedy for money, some people break the law and do all kinds of evil things. In that care, many may bring them tragedies. Therefore, money is not everything, and sometimes it is nothing.
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