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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 01:14



热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 17:35

Philosophically, community arts appear indebted to classical Marxist theory and its variants, such as those proposed by Althusser, Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin and Gramsci. As a trace of community arts, community music followed ideological suit with the notion of redressing the balance between such things as musicians/non-musicians, product/process, individual/community, formal music education/informal music education and consumption/participation, and as such may be considered within the frame of postmodernism.
从哲学上讲,社区艺术(这应该是你们学的东西)的出现要感谢经典马克思理论及其分支理论,这些分支理论的提出者包括了阿尔杜塞、阿多诺、马尔库赛、本杰明、葛兰西等。作为社区艺术的前身,社区音乐的主要目的是满足意识形态上的要求,这种要求主要是在如下一些事物中重新找到平衡点:音乐家/非音乐家,产品/加工, 个人/集体, 正式音乐教育/非正式音乐教育以及消耗量/参与量(不太清楚怎么翻,自己斟酌一下)。而所有的这些都被认为是后现代主义的框架。
With the concept of cultural democracy as a guiding light, community arts had extended the gamut of activity employed by the new professional community workers. As Britain began to find strategies for dealing with the societal changes brought about by the Second World War, those working with communities in the late 1940s and 1950s were beginning to realize that a cultural element to their work was vital. Beneficiaries of this community service began to demand cultural stimuli, anticipating the work of the community artist a decade or so later. As an attitude to art-making, the community arts movement profiled its socialist alliances by taking defiant and oppositional positions towards Arts Council policy. Frustratingly, community arts’ attempt to rupture dominant ideology often left it being judged by those it opposed, particularly highlighted with issues surrounding funding.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 17:37


热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 17:37

Philosophically, community arts appear indebted to classical Marxist theory and its variants, such as those proposed by Althusser, Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin and Gramsci. As a trace of community arts, community music followed ideological suit with the notion of redressing the balance between such things as musicians/non-musicians, product/process, individual/community, formal music education/informal music education and consumption/participation, and as such may be considered within the frame of postmodernism.
从哲学上讲,社区艺术(这应该是你们学的东西)的出现要感谢经典马克思理论及其分支理论,这些分支理论的提出者包括了阿尔杜塞、阿多诺、马尔库赛、本杰明、葛兰西等。作为社区艺术的前身,社区音乐的主要目的是满足意识形态上的要求,这种要求主要是在如下一些事物中重新找到平衡点:音乐家/非音乐家,产品/加工, 个人/集体, 正式音乐教育/非正式音乐教育以及消耗量/参与量(不太清楚怎么翻,自己斟酌一下)。而所有的这些都被认为是后现代主义的框架。
With the concept of cultural democracy as a guiding light, community arts had extended the gamut of activity employed by the new professional community workers. As Britain began to find strategies for dealing with the societal changes brought about by the Second World War, those working with communities in the late 1940s and 1950s were beginning to realize that a cultural element to their work was vital. Beneficiaries of this community service began to demand cultural stimuli, anticipating the work of the community artist a decade or so later. As an attitude to art-making, the community arts movement profiled its socialist alliances by taking defiant and oppositional positions towards Arts Council policy. Frustratingly, community arts’ attempt to rupture dominant ideology often left it being judged by those it opposed, particularly highlighted with issues surrounding funding.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 17:39

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