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The Most Beautiful Girl 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-16 00:57



热心网友 时间:2024-07-25 13:45

歌曲名:The Most Beautiful Girl
歌手:Nick Perito&Perry Como
专辑:I Think Of You/ Perry

Nu Flavor - The Most Beautiful Girl
Ooo girl I'd walk a hundred miles
To see your pretty face each time you smile
There is no distance for me, long as I can believe
I'll see you tonight
Simply no distance for me, girl you gotta believe
I need you tonight
I'll never forget, the first time I set
My eyes on you I thought I would die
You were my lovely day, took my breath away
Now I'm walking with my head to the sky
You are the most beautiful girl, I've ever seen in this world
You came in my life just in time
You are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the world
She's all mine
I just can't find the words to say
This kind of feeling don't come every day
It feels like heaven to me, love has given me wings
Girl you light up my life
You feel like heaven to me, every day's like a dream
Having you by my side
I'll never forget, the first time I set
My eyes on you I thought I would cry
It was my lucky day, when you came my way
'N I'm still walking with my head to the Sky
You are the most beautiful girl, I've ever seen in this world
You came in my life just in time
You are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the world
She's all mine
Oh girl
The sun and the moon, the starrs in the skies
They don't shine as bright as the light in your eyes
And it brightens my day, when I realize
In just a few hours I'll be holding you tight
You are the most beautiful girl, I've ever seen in this world
You came in my life just in time
You are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the world
She's all mine

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