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winter in shenyang的作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-16 00:17



热心网友 时间:2024-08-08 07:44

Winter in Shenyang
The winter in Shenyang is very unique. It is enjoyable to watch snow fly in the sky, which is very beautiful. Except the main roads, all the houses and the entire ground are covered by snow and form a icy world. The air is clean and chilly. It is the best time for children to play their winter games in the park and over the frozen river. Many people would think it is too cold to do anything even to have something to eat. As a matter of fact, it is wrong to think in this way. People in Shenyang, old and young, seem to have more activities to do than the people in other places. One thing would never come to the mind of the people from south, people in Shenyang have a lot of icecream in winter.
西都会很难。实际上,这么想错误的。沈阳市人, 不分老幼都似乎在冬天有更多的
winter in shenyang的作文

it is wrong to think in this way. People in Shenyang, old and young, seem to have more activities to do than the people in other places. One thing would never come to the mind of the people from south, people in Shenyang have a lot of icecream in winter.沈阳的冬天是非...

winter is cold in Shenyang英语作文?

The winter in Shenyang is very unique.It is enjoyable to watch snow fly in the sky,which is very beautiful.Except the main roads,all the houses and the entire ground are covered by snow and form a icy world.The air is clean and chilly.It is the best time for children to...

小学英语作文 Shenyang 沈阳

There are quite a few famous universities in Shenyang, such as the Northeast University and Liaoning University. Maybe everyone knows there is a Taiyuan Street in Shenyang. It's very cold here in winter, and it's very hot in summer. But millions of visitors come to Shenyang ev...


i think we are lucky that we live in China,because we can try different kinds of climates in one year.spring.the whole year's work depends on a good start in Spring.and in this season,the famers is busy in sowing.but for me,i am not much like this season because it ra...


我爱沈阳的一年四季,因为不论什么时候它都给我美的享受,不论什么时候它都用独特的性格陶冶着我的情操。Shenyang's spring is gentle, Shenyang's summer is bold and unrestrained, Shenyang's autumn is rich, and Shenyang's winter is pure.沈阳的春天是温柔的,沈阳的夏天是豪放的,沈阳的秋天...


and in winter they can drop below 0 degrees Celsius, so the smart traveler will plan to dress in layers.Shenyang is a celebrated old city with more than 2,000 years of history which can be traced back to Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC). It is the birthplace of t...

六年级英语作文shcool life in winter限50字

In the canteen Many students like having hot drinks because it helps them keep warm.Not many students like having hot drinks or ice cream because it is cold.冬天的校园生活 在学校的花园里,在花园里,只有不多的花还在生长,树上也几乎没有了叶子.在操场上,很多学生喜欢在操场上跑步因为...


It's very cold in winter when you are in Shanghai. The wind is strong, and everyone should wear much clothes.I like the winter in Shanghai. I can see snow, and play with snow in winter. After winter, it's spring and the New Year.


in shanghai is very nice.it's neither cold nor hot.the winter in shanghai isn't very cold.it seldom snows.but most of the children look forward to a white christmas 上海是中国南方的城市。在春天,天气变化无常。气温有时很低,有时很高。在夏天,它变的特别炎热,最高气温在40摄氏...

初一英语作文70 My life in winter 和 M一favourite holiday

i always stay at home ,sometimes i will watch TV,sometimes i will play the comeputer games ,it's very good to relax! of course, i will do my homework, i like to do homework,because i can find some problems in doing homewore and solute it,in winter ,i would like to ...

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