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求用英语口述下面漫画(主题:Parenting),2分钟左右的词汇量哦!! 非常...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 07:11



热心网友 时间:2024-08-14 21:53

Nowdays in China, the parenting is still in a very limited area, the parents always focus on the scores of each paper exams, they frighten their childrens that if they can't get high scores, they will lose the lots of chances in this society, they can't be white collar, they can't be rich, they can't get success. But, this kind of parenting is such negetive. To judge one person on his/her value, we can't only look at the score, but also the other aspects, such as creation, manipulative ability, thinking logic and other strong points, which is well applied in the developped countries. Therefore, not only the parent should change their thinking ways, but also the Chinese education system is urgent to be reformed.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-14 21:52

As is vividly depicted in the drawing, the parents were criticized their own child.From the parents' perspective, the boy who only got 40 scores in the text would only be a worker even a farmer.
The symbolic meaning of the picture was a deep consideration that many parents thought score means quality and it was most important. 求好评

热心网友 时间:2024-08-14 21:51

Nowdays in China, the parenting is still in a very limited area, the parents always focus on the scores of each paper exams, they frighten their childrens that if they can't get high scores, they will lose the lots of chances in this society, they can't be white collar, they can't be rich, they can't get success. But, this kind of parenting is such negetive. To judge one person on his/her value, we can't only look at the score, but also the other aspects, such as creation, manipulative ability, thinking logic and other strong points, which is well applied in the developped countries. Therefore, not only the parent should change their thinking ways, but also the Chinese education system is urgent to be reformed.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-14 21:49

As is vividly depicted in the drawing, the parents were criticized their own child.From the parents' perspective, the boy who only got 40 scores in the text would only be a worker even a farmer.
The symbolic meaning of the picture was a deep consideration that many parents thought score means quality and it was most important. 求好评
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