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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 08:38



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 16:24

North the Shoukwang cities and areas place Shandong Peninsula, theBohai Sea Laizhou Nanan, the total area 2,180 square kilometers, thepopulation 1 million, is famous "township of the Chinese vegetables".Shoukwang has the glorious history, bright culture. 史传 as early asin the Yellow Emperor time, censor Cangjie established the glyph inthis, Chin Shihhuang has once built the view sea in this, Martialemperor of Han dynasty once tills the fields personally Yu Judian thelakeside. Here is the world first agronomy monograph "Common peopleWants Technique" the author - Northern Wei Dynasty agronomist Jia SiXie's hometown. Shoukwang climate warm moist, the resources is rich.North the neighbouring sea, some 56 kilometers coastlines, arenational one of three crude salts industry production areas; Southcentral the soil is fertile, is synthesis commodity base city and soon vegetables, grain, fruits, raising livestock, aquatic product whichthe country and Shandong Province determined, is the national non-environmental damage agricultural product production demonstrationbase county reaches the sign unit

Fellow leaders, fellow guests, under we are going to visit are iscalled by the reputation "China" the Shandong Shoukwang vegetableswholesale market. This market beginning constructed in 1984, was "theagricultural industry country level key main item enterprise", "thenational agricultural and subsidiary products synthesis wholesalemarket 50 strong", "the national vegetables wholesale market ten isstrong", "the Ministry of Agriculture first batch fixed point brightagricultural and subsidiary products center wholesale market", thenational agricultural product market association routine directorunit. The market 占地 600 Chinese acres, the necessary facility isperfect, constructs has 32,000 square meters entire seals steel framesstructure transaction hall, 8,000 square meters steel tilestransaction awning, 7,200 square meters transactions service building,5,000 squares mitters vegetables special barracks area, 20,000 squaremeter outside provinces and cities vegetables transaction center and27,000 square meters vegetables electron auction center. Markettransaction variety entire, the off season is not pale, the busyseason is not rotten, south the fruit 北菜, the four seasons areoften fresh. Year to year finalized a deal the vegetables 1.5 billionkilograms, the volume of trade 2.8 billion Yuan, the year goes on themarket vegetables variety more than 300, attracted national more than20 provinces, the city, the autonomous region vegetables has come thistransaction, was the national important vegetables collection center,the price structure center and the information exchange center.
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