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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 00:38



热心网友 时间:2024-08-07 00:25

良好的习惯(Good Manners)
Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners. One’s manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also tend to show what his nature is.
Good manners means good behaviour in social communication. A person with good manners is always agreeable companion, because he is always thinking of others and respect others. He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance. Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards.
To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one’s daily behaviour—the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people. To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.

养成良好的习惯(Form Good Habits)
Some of my classmates are weak, that is to say, they are in poor health. I think it has something to do with their daily habits. For example, they seldom have meals on time. Instead, they like eating chocolate, ice cream, sugar, etc. They don't like to do exercise, and they often watch TV for a long time. So they can't get enough rest, but they have to get up early in the morning to go to school.
We should learn a lesson from them, form good habits and keep healthy.

好的习惯(Good Habit)
When we have formed the good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily. Do you sometimes copy other's homework? It is not good. No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time. If you practice again and again, nothing will be difficult.
When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.Every evening you must take out the notes and review what you have learned today.Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks. A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.
A Good study habit is the key to success.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-07 00:18

Yesterday, faced for a long time but not the micheal brother. He has to be in China for almost five years, and now looks to have the time and not the same, but they can not say to change what has happened in the end. I put my doubts to tell him, and he gave me the answer I am surprised. He said: "I learn from China in the men's dressing method." So I am even more puzzled, because in China, Chuande like a foreigner is very popular. But michael brother told me that he thought the Chinese men's clothing display by the local community mental outlook of the capacity is not bad, wearing Bo Laipin more than flavor. And although the Chinese people now wear are not Qipao Dagua Instead suit, but China's own production of clothing no doubt more in line with China's reality, the Chinese people more like citizens of the world rather than counterfeiting Westerners. He said now very like to wear Chinese-made clothes, and return to Europe after friends said he seemed more in China, so he asked not good » His friends said, no, this is very nice. He finished listening to these, I found that his T-shirt with a clear seven wolf signs. Before think that the foreigners coming to China are in fact look down upon the Chinese people, even if not expressed on the surface, but after listening to michael brother remarks today, ah, some foreigners still quite lovely.
读一读下面的句子,在比喻句的后面打上 “√”。 1.燕子有一对剪刀似... 判断下面的句子是不是比喻句,是的打√不是的打×1.北极星是盏指路灯... 我来评判:在是比喻句的句子后面打“√”。1.罗丹嘴里叽里咕噜的,好像跟... 判断下列句子是不是比喻句,是的就打“√”。 1.他摸了摸嘴,好像回味似... 我能判断下面的句子是否是比喻句,在正确句子后面的括号里画“√... 判断下面句子是不是比喻句,是的画“√”,不是的画“×”。(1)那跃跃... 英语题(会的都来哈~要全部回答哦~绝对会采纳!!) 英语题 诚心采纳。 英语题(大家帮帮忙,会采纳哦!) 初二英语下,几个空,求解 诚信采纳 平安为我交强险买单了 中央空调百叶出风口怎样调节 做游戏画图画图书信息 幼儿智力步步高图书:各年龄段主要提升哪些能力? 读故事画图画图书信息 硬金与9999黄金有什么不同 硬金是什么?硬金应该如何保养? 腋毛注意事项 999硬金是不是黄金,999硬金是什么意思? 车险理赔流程对方全责理赔手续是什么? 对方将我的车撞了认定为全责,保险如何赔付? 3D硬金保养方法 剃腋毛有害吗 住宅地热管一路能带多少平方米 锅炉每小时出50公斤60度热水能带多少平方地热管,谢谢 下列河流中,发源地不在中国的是( ) A.湄公河 B.红河 C.伊洛瓦底江 D... 桂圆炖猪脚做法 ...A委托B办理内容如下:从开发商处领取房产证,向银行提交提前还贷... 下列四条河流不是中国与邻国之间的界河的是什么江 石桥村基础设施 英语作文are thay good manners 我玩的是电脑单机版的方舟生存进化游戏,想问有没有可以一键解锁全部印 ... 梦见自己在做饭代表什么预兆 不同身份的人梦见自己做饭预示着什么_百 ... 请问,神奇队长少儿编程的师资力量如何? 怎样隐藏微信朋友圈里的游戏信息 自己女朋友流眼泪心疼的句子 计算机核心期刊有哪些 therestof后边的谓语什么时候用复数,单数?restof和它有区别么... the rest of students是单数还是复数 今天女朋友问我我们俩之间有没有最让我心动的一件事,这心动的事都指哪... 回想你的对象,男生最让女生心动的瞬间是什么? 朋友想知道最让男生“心动”的瞬间是什么? 你们知道是什么吗? 怎么查看好友最近几天的运动步数 古代的济南叫什么? 在古代济南属于哪个国 考研的压力为什么这么大? 公司被吊销营业执照后怎么办? 如何看待考研压力大这回事? 公司被吊销营业执照后该怎么处理 淘宝已经收到货怎么申请退货退款? 考研备考期间压力太大了怎么办?