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这是篇英文自我介绍 麻烦大家改一下错误 谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-12 15:54



热心网友 时间:2024-08-26 01:58


There is one man.

My name is Gyuha Jeon. I’m 26 years old. (修改了的地方)When I was stayed in my learning time in Physical Education.

I joined the (修改了)army. When I joined(修改了)
the army, I repaired tank, boiler and others.

My hobby is playing basketball so I learned
to basketball in middle school. And I learned to table tennis in elementary
school. Now, I played (修改了)the sports at sometimes.

I went to church since I was a child(修改了). (加了一句)I like go to church.To me,I like some special church. (加了一句)The(特指)Church’s name is ‘Salvation army’.

Every year in winter, I served a campaign
to help unfortunate neighbors, called ‘Charity pot’. I shook bell and spoke to
people for unfortunate neighbors.

My family composed four. My father is
physical teacher and my (加了一个单词)mother from Korean,she is a (修改了) teacher. And my elder brother was(修改了) work to a (修改了)
company. Our hometown is Dae-Jeon. But my brother living in Se-oul and I was live(修改了)
in Su-won.

I am a passive person.(修改了). But sometimes
change actively when what I like thing.

I like music,too. So I interested in (修改了) listening
to music and I like playing guitar and singing(修改了) a song.(一般的叙述文都用过去式表示即可。)

热心网友 时间:2024-08-26 01:58


There is one man.

My name is Gyuha Jeon. I’m 26 years old. (修改了的地方)When I was stayed in my learning time in Physical Education.

I joined the (修改了)army. When I joined(修改了)
the army, I repaired tank, boiler and others.

My hobby is playing basketball so I learned
to basketball in middle school. And I learned to table tennis in elementary
school. Now, I played (修改了)the sports at sometimes.

I went to church since I was a child(修改了). (加了一句)I like go to church.To me,I like some special church. (加了一句)The(特指)Church’s name is ‘Salvation army’.

Every year in winter, I served a campaign
to help unfortunate neighbors, called ‘Charity pot’. I shook bell and spoke to
people for unfortunate neighbors.

My family composed four. My father is
physical teacher and my (加了一个单词)mother from Korean,she is a (修改了) teacher. And my elder brother was(修改了) work to a (修改了)
company. Our hometown is Dae-Jeon. But my brother living in Se-oul and I was live(修改了)
in Su-won.

I am a passive person.(修改了). But sometimes
change actively when what I like thing.

I like music,too. So I interested in (修改了) listening
to music and I like playing guitar and singing(修改了) a song.(一般的叙述文都用过去式表示即可。)
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