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Colours Bleed To Red 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 21:59



热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 03:30

歌曲名:Colours Bleed To Red
专辑:Be Human-Search And Destroy

Fightstar - Colours Bleed To Red
Desperate and armed
It's time to sail along
Lets all go jump the bridge
Lets all go jump the bridge
We'll move together
And push it too the end
Let's spread this across the earth
Let's spread this across the earth
I will scorch the earth and the st will hide my eyes
I look up at the stars
And wonder where on earth
We are
It feels just like you said
When the colours bleed to red
And so on
Call emergency
We'll set them up to fall
Lets all go jump the bridge
Lets all go jump the bridge
We'll fight together
And push it to the end
Let's spread this across the earth
Let's spread this across the earth
I will scorch the earth and the st will hide my eyes
I look up at the stars
And wonder where on earth
We are
It feels just like you said
When the colours bleed to red
And so on
I am sick of war-mongering, I spit on this
Only interested in the bottom line
I'm sick of flouride in my water
False flag states terror
In the infinite stupidity of modern man
It's time we faced up to the truth
But if we refuse to study history
Then we are bound to repeat the past

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