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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-17 10:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 18:38

I like Autumn best ,In Autumn holiday……

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 18:41

I most like the season is an autumn.In the fall recess, I and my family member friend has gone to the double brook together.We walk the bookstore, again rides the private vehicle to go.Double brook very America, the tree is a green, the lake is a blue color, the air is very fresh.That looks like a natural park.In the double brook scenic area has the place which fishes, I and several friends enough have fished 40 fish.We bake, play the water, the drift in there, passed joyfully one day.Drove an hour automobile only then to arrive there.This time plays lets me be extremely happy.This time fall recess very is also substantial.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 18:35

My favorite is the fall season. In the autumn holiday, my family and my friends went to the Sungai. We walk to the bookstore, a private car to sit. Sungai beautiful, green trees, blue lake, the air is fresh. It was like a natural park. Sungai area where there is fishing, he and several friends took the catch 40 fish. We have barbecue there, play in the water, drifting, spent the happy day. However, opening an hour before the car there. Let me play this very happy. The holiday is also enrich the fall.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 18:39

My favorite is the fall season. In the autumn holiday, my family and my friends went to the Sungai. We walk to the bookstore, a private car to sit. Sungai beautiful, green trees, blue lake, the air is fresh. It was like a natural park. Sungai area where there is fishing, he and several friends took the catch 40 fish. We have barbecue there, play in the water, drifting, spent the happy day. However, opening an hour before the car there. Let me play this very happy. This autumn is also very substantial false
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