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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-15 03:30



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 08:23

你好,我是上周在麦当劳里和你聊天的那个女生. Hey, how are you doing? I am the girl talked with you in the McDonald's last week.
我明天就要去参加舞蹈比赛了. I will attend the dancing competition tomorrow.我以前跳过拉丁,HIP HOP ,中国古典舞和印度舞,呵呵,你会跳舞吗?I have danced Latin, Hip-Hop, Chinese Classic Dances and Indian's.你们学校里的学生都跳什么舞呢?what do you guys in your school dance?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 08:23

How are you, I am the girl who chatted with you in the McDonald's last week.
I will attend to dance to compete tomorrow.I jumped Latin before, HIP HOP, the Chinese classicality danced and India danced, ha ha, would you dance?You the students in the school all jump what dance?


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 08:25

Hello! I'm the girl who chatted with you at Mcdonald's last week. I'm going to attend a dance competition tomorrow. I've ever danced Latin Hip-Hop, Chinese classic dance, and Indian dance. Well, Can you dance? What kind of dances do the students in your school dance?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 08:22

你好,我是上周在麦当劳里和你聊天的那个女生. Hey, how are you doing? I am the girl talked with you in the McDonald's last week.
我明天就要去参加舞蹈比赛了. I will attend the dancing competition tomorrow.我以前跳过拉丁,HIP HOP ,中国古典舞和印度舞,呵呵,你会跳舞吗?I have danced Latin, Hip-Hop, Chinese Classic Dances and Indian's.你们学校里的学生都跳什么舞呢?what do you guys in your school dance?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 08:19

How are you, I am the girl who chatted with you in the McDonald's last week.
I will attend to dance to compete tomorrow.I jumped Latin before, HIP HOP, the Chinese classicality danced and India danced, ha ha, would you dance?You the students in the school all jump what dance?


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 08:19

Hello! I'm the girl who chatted with you at Mcdonald's last week. I'm going to attend a dance competition tomorrow. I've ever danced Latin Hip-Hop, Chinese classic dance, and Indian dance. Well, Can you dance? What kind of dances do the students in your school dance?
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