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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-15 06:52



热心网友 时间:2天前

Five- Don't You Want It
Don't you want it
Can't you feel it
There's something in the air tonight
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Five
Don't you want it
Hitting on the dance floor
What's it all about
Girl I give it all
Make me feel high
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Five
Time to turn it up
Cos you're getting hot
Why do we bring the flow so raw
Make you wanna dance so get on the floor
It's all about the monie
What time to get down
And get da honeys
Yo Scott

Baby I can make the nights last forever
And I can make you satisfied
So if you feel like coming together
It's something that you must decide

Don't you want it
Don't you need it
I can give it all and I mean it
Don't you want it
Can't you feel it
There's something in the air tonight

Rising from the depths
I confess baby
I can hit you off
Got a super on my chest
Nothing but the very best
What you need and you best believe it
Tell that you're feeling
The hand that I'm dealing
Never hear me lack upon a track
Style and whicky whack
But you gotta savour that
A roller coaster ride
Baby come and climb upon a
Ruggedness I've shown it
Tell me don't you want it

Baby I can make the sun shine forever
I know you've heard it all before (heard it all before)
But if you feel like coming together
All of this will be yours


I got everything you want
Baby everything you need now
I can give it all
I got everything you want
Baby everything you need now
Don't you want don't you
Don't you want it
Don't you need it
(Don't you want it, you want it)
(Don't you need it, you need it)
Don't you want it
Can't you feel it
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Five

Don't you want it (want it)
Don't you need it (need it)
I can give it all and I mean it
Don't you want it (want it)
Can't you feel it (feel it)
There's something in the air tonight
Don't you want it (don't you want it)
Don't you need it (don't you need it)
I can give it all and I mean it (I can give it all)
Don't you want it (don't you want it)
Can't you feel it (can't you feel it)
There's something in the air tonight

热心网友 时间:2天前

Five---Don't you want it

热心网友 时间:2天前

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