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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-17 02:10



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 08:32

1. For the Spring Festival, I am looking forward to spending quality time with my family. This year's winter in Canton was harsh with extreme cold, but despite the harsh weather, I was unable to venture outside. However, being with my family made me feel anything but sad. They turned this winter into a warm and joyful experience for me!
2. Seeing my grandfather put aside his age to care for me warms my heart. He treats me as his little pet, amusing me greatly. I am a reminder to him that age is just a number, and that one can still enjoy life fully.
3. My grandmother has worked tirelessly, and I appreciate all her efforts in taking care of me. She has been waiting for me to grow up, and I intend to repay her love and care. As I grow, I will make sure to not cause her any pain - she is my anchor, and I will support her in return.
4. I miss my grandmother's performance in the Red Silk Dance, and her graceful figurines. She is missed greatly, and I cherish the memories of her.
5. My admiration for my father grows stronger each day. He always takes me to explore interesting places, and his cool aviator sunglasses make him look stylish. Despite his shyness, he is a proud father who拒绝s to show off, but I can see that he is proud of me.
6. Others say I resemble my father, which makes me happy, as I share many features with him. My mother and I have a lot in common, but I also inherited some traits from my father.
7. My mother is quite the character, with her mischievous nature. She often grabs the camera to capture our fun moments, and although she can be naughty, I adore her playful spirit.
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