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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-11 11:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-22 09:01

Tina Turner, the pioneering rock'n’roll star who became a pop behemoth in the 1980s, has died aged 83 after a long illness. This was confirmed by her publicist, Bernard Doherty, who said that Turner passed away peacefully in her home in Kusnacht near Zurich, Switzerland. The 'Queen of Rock’n Roll' was well-known for her musical character that was charged with mystery, light, melancholy, and ferocious vitality that often flirted with danger. Turner was born Anna Mae Bullock on 26 November 1939 and raised in Nutbush, Tennessee, where she sang in the tiny town’s church choir as a child. She became a part of Ike's band in St Louis after talking her way in. After her vocal talents became apparent, Ike gave her the name Tina Turner and trademarked it. However, their relationship was marked by abuse, and Turner eventually left Ike in 2000, announcing her retirement a year later. Yet, she returned to the stage in 2008, performing at the Grammy awards with Beyoncé, and for a final tour to mark 50 years of her career.

Turner's life was chronicled in three memoirs, a biopic, a jukebox musical, and in 2021, the acclaimed documentary film, Tina. In 2018, scholar Daphne A Brooks wrote for the Guardian, "Turner’s musical character has always been a charged combination of mystery as well as light, melancholy mixed with a ferocious vitality that often flirted with danger." Despite having some serious health problems, Turner said in 2020 that the last 10 years of her life embodied her ideal vision of happiness. "True and lasting happiness comes from having an unshakeable, hopeful spirit that can shine, no matter what," she stated, adding that it was her greatest wish to help others become truly happy as well.
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