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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 22:24



热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 03:09

Lu pattern of the town hotel, and it is different elsewhere: are the streets of a large L-shaped counter, which prepared the hot water container, you can always warm wine. People who work, Bangwu evening scattered workers often spend four paper coins, buy a bowl of wine ,------ This is twenty years ago, but now the text of each bowl to rise to ten ,---- - stood by outside the cabinet, hot drink, rest; if willing to spend a text, they can buy a plate of salt and cook bamboo shoots, or beans flavored with aniseed, things to do with wine, and if the text out to a dozen, it will be able to buy the same meat dish, but these customers, mostly jacket to help, probably not so generous. Only wear gown, the only Duojin store next door to the house, order wine and dishes, and slowly sat drinking. Since I was twelve years old, will be in town the mouth of the Xianheng hotel waiter, shopkeeper said, I look silly, not gown serve patrons afraid to strike out to do something. Patrons outside of the jacket, though easy to speak, but whining is also unclear Twining a lot. They often watched from the jars, scoop out the rice wine, watched pot of water is not sub-hysterical, and pro-children to see the pot in hot water, then rest assured: In this severe under the supervision of sheep crowding (chàn) water is also difficult. So after a few days, shopkeeper said I can not do this. Fortunately, the sensibilities recommended first large, not dismissed, then changed to specifically to deal with a boring job warm the wine. Since then, the day I stood behind the counter, specifically to deal with my post. Although there is no dereliction of ty, but the overall feel a little monotonous, and some boring. Treasurer is a fierce face, patrons can also complain to no good, lively teaching people not; only Kung to the shop, we can laugh few times, so still remember. Kung is standing drinking and the only person wearing long sleeves. He was a very large; plainer face, the wrinkles between the folder from time to time some scars; a tangled gray beard. Although wearing a long gown, but the dirty and broken, do not seem to make more than a decade, no wash. He was talking to people, always speak a lot about ecation in classical, as people do not understand half understand. Hole because of his name, others did give Miao Hong paper "on the alt ji" know anything about this, then in half, remove a nickname for him, called Kung. Kung one to shop, they are all people who drink at him laughing, and some cried, "Kung, have added a new scar on your face!" He does not answer to the cabinet said, "warm bowls wine, to a dish of beans flavored with aniseed. "will discharge nine coppers. They also loudly on purpose, "You must then stole other people's stuff!" Kung said, eyes wide open, "how do you clean this out of thin air pollution ... people ..." "What innocence? My eyes see you steal the day before yesterday Ho's book, hanging to play. "ji would flush, the amount of blue veins on the roads ek, argued," can not be considered stealing Stealing Books ... ... Stealing Books! ... ... reading of people, could be considered stealing you? "a series that is difficult to understand, nothing" solid poor gentleman, "what" are an absolute necessity "and the like, people are attracted laughter together: shop outside the air is full of joy. Listen to people talk about privately, Kung had also read the book, but finally did not enter science, and would not make a living; so more than poorer, will be begging to get out. Fortunately, a good character is written, it will for others copied plagiarism, a bowl of rice. Unfortunately, his bad temper, like there is delicious lazy. Take a few days, even the people and books, paper, brush, together missing. The case several times, called him Transcription in person as well. Kung is not law, they inevitably do occasionally steal things. But he was in our shop, conct better than everyone else, is never in arrears; Although no cash from time to time, temporarily recorded in the powder board, but not in January, will certainly pay off, wiped from Kung powder board name. Kung drink half a bowl of wine, red in the face graally restored, others right again asked, "Kung, do you really know how to read it?" Kung asked looking at him, showing an air of disdain Zhibian. Then they said, "You are fishing for one reason or another can not even do half the scholar?" Kung immediately show deserting our ideas uneasy look on his face cage with a layer of gray, mouth and say something; this time, but all ecation in classical and the like, some do not understand. At this time, everyone also laughter together: shop outside the air is full of joy. At these times, I can go along with the laugh, dispensers are not to blame. And treasurer met with Kung, but also often ask him laugh. Kung they know they can not talk, they had to talk to the child. Once said to me, "Have you read the book it?" I slight nod. He said, "read the book, ... ... I will test you for a test. Beans flavored with aniseed of fennel words, how to write it?" I think, begging the same people, but also with test me? Turn your face to be no longer ignored. Kung and other for a long time, very sincerely said, "can not stop writing? ... ... I teach you, remember! These words should be remembered. Dispensers do in the future, when to use written statement." I thought to myself I and dispensers level still far it, and we never will be beans flavored with aniseed on the dispensers account; and funny, but also impatient, idle channel he replied, "Who needs you to teach, not a grass beneath a round trip back to the word it? "Kung very happy to show the way, the long fingernails of two fingers tapped the counter, nodded and said," Yeah right! ... ... back to the written word has four kind of, you know? "I am more impatient, efforts of his mouth far. Kung nail dipped in the wine just wanted to write in the cabinet, see I have no enthusiasm, they tan breath, showing a very sorry appearance. "Talking more? Nothing more, nothing."
There several times, neighbors heard a child laugh, fun to drive, surrounded Kung. He would give them a one. Children eating beans, still lingers, the eyes are looking at the plate. Kung was a panic, the plate covering the outstretched fingers, bending down, said, "Not much, I was running out." Straightened up and look at the beans, his shaking his head said, "much much! More Talking? small also. "So the kids got separated in laughter. Kung people so happy, but without him, so others will too. One day, about two or three days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, dispensers is slowly closing, remove the powder board, suddenly said, "Kung did not come out a long time. Still owes nineteen coppers!" I also think he did long time no come. A drinking man said, "how could he come? ... ... He discounted the legs." Shopkeeper said, "Oh!" "He always is still stealing. This time, their own giddy, actually steal the small lifts home go. his house, stealing the get it? "" Then how? "" how? the first to write service debate, and later playing, playing most of the night, and then discount the leg. "" And then? "" Then discount the legs. "" How about a discount? "" How? ... ... who knows? Xu is dead. "shopkeeper does not ask, still slowly his accounts.
Autumn after autumn is colder every day, to see almost winter; I rely on the fire all day, but also to wear a jacket. The next day, half day, not a customer, I was sitting together his eyes. Suddenly heard a voice, "Warm a bowl of wine." This voice was very low, very familiar. See all Shiyou no. Stood up I looked outside, then the counter Kung would sit under the threshold. His face black and thin, has been horrendous; wearing a broken Jiaao, plates with legs underneath a Calceolaria, with rope tangled in the shoulder; he saw me, and said, "Warm a bowl of wine. "dispensers also head out to one side said," Kung? You still owe nineteen coppers! "Kung is deserting our ideas on his back and asked," stop this ... ... next time to pay off. This time is cash, better than wine. "dispensers are still the same as usual, smiled and said to him," Kung, you have Touliaodongxi it! "but he is arguing this time not alone say" Do not make fun! "" fun? If do not steal, how broken legs? "Kung whispered," broke, down, down ... ... "He glances, much like the treasurer pleaded, do not mention. At this point several people had gathered, they laughed, and dispensers. I warm the wine, side out, on the threshold. He took out from the rag bag four coppers, in my hand, see his hands were full of mud, had he come in with this hand. Soon, he drank wine, right again to say that laughter in others, sit and slowly walked out with this hand. Since then, they did not see long-ji. To the year, remove the powder board treasurer, said, "Kung still owes nineteen coppers!" To the second year of the Dragon Boat Festival, said, "Kung still owes nineteen coppers!" To the Mid-Autumn Festival, but did not say, and then the Year did not see him. I do not see now finally - about Kung indeed dead. Written in March 1919

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 04:27


The wine shops in Luchen are not like those in other parts of China. They all have a right-angled counter facing the street, where hot water is kept ready for warming wine. When men come off work at midday and in the evening they buy a bowl of wine; it cost four coppers twenty years ago, but now it costs ten. Standing beside the counter, they drink it warm, and relax. Another copper will buy a plate of salted bamboo shoots or peas flavoured with aniseed, to go with the wine; while for a dozen coppers you can buy a meat dish. But most of these customers belong to the short-coated class, few of whom can afford this. Only those in long gowns enter the adjacent room to order wine and dishes, and sit and drink at leisure.

At the age of twelve I started work as a waiter in Prosperity Tavern, at the entrance to the town. The tavern keeper said I looked too foolish to serve the long-gowned customers, so I was given work in the outer room. Although the short-coated customers there were more easily pleased, there were quite a few trouble-makers among them too. They would insist on watching with their own eyes as the yellow wine was ladled from the keg, looking to see if there were any water at the bottom of the wine pot, and inspecting for themselves the immersion of the pot in hot water. Under such keen scrutiny, it was very difficult to dilute the wine. So after a few days my employer decided I was not suited for this work. Fortunately I had been recommended by someone influential, so he could not dismiss me, and I was transferred to the ll work of warming wine.

Thenceforward I stood all day behind the counter, fully engaged with my ties. Although I gave satisfaction at this work, I found it monotonous and futile. Our employer was a fierce-looking indivial, and the customers were a morose lot, so that it was impossible to be gay. Only when Kung I-chi came to the tavern could I laugh a little. That is why I still remember him.

Kung was the only long-gowned customer to drink his wine standing. He was a big man, strangely pallid, with scars that often showed among the wrinkles of his face. He had a large, unkempt beard, streaked with white. Although he wore a long gown, it was dirty and tattered, and looked as if it had not been washed or mended for over ten years. He used so many archaisms in his speech, it was impossible to understand half he said. As his surname was Kung, he was nicknamed "Kung I-chi," the first three characters in a children's copybook. Whenever he came into the shop, everyone would look at him and chuckle. And someone would call out:

"Kung I-chi! There are some fresh scars on your face!"

Ignoring this remark, Kung would come to the counter to order two bowls of heated wine and a dish of peas flavoured with aniseed. For this he proced nine coppers. Someone else would call out, in deliberately loud tones:

"You must have been stealing again!"

"Why ruin a man's good name groundlessly?" he would ask, opening his eyes wide.

"Pooh, good name indeed! The day before yesterday I saw you with my own eyes being hung up and beaten for stealing books from the Ho family!"

Then Kung would flush, the veins on his forehead standing out as he remonstrated: "Taking a book can't be considered stealing, . . . Taking a book, the affair of a scholar, can't be considered stealing!" Then followed quotations from the classics, like "A gentleman keeps his integrity even in poverty," and a jumble of archaic expressions till everybody was roaring with laughter and the whole tavern was gay.

From gossip I heard, Kung I-chi had studied the classics but had never passed the official examination. With no way of making a living, he grew poorer and poorer, until be was practically reced to beggary. Happily, he was a good calligrapher, and could get enough copying work to support himself. Unfortunately he had failings: he liked drinking and was lazy. So after a few days he would invariably disappear, taking books, paper, brushes and inkstone with him. After this had happened several times, nobody wanted to employ him as a copyist again. Then there was no alternative for him but to take to occasional pilfering. In our tavern his behaviour was exemplary. He never failed to pay up, although sometimes, when he had no ready money, his name would appear on the board where we listed debtors. However, in less than a month he would always settle, and his name would be wiped off the board again.

After drinking half a howl of wine, Kung would regain his composure. But then someone would ask:

"Kung I-chi, do you really know how to read?"

When Kung looked as if such a question were beneath contempt, they would continue: "How is it you never passed even the lowest official examination?"

At that Kung would look disconsolate and ill at ease. His face would turn pale and his lips move, but only to utter those unintelligible classical expressions. Then everybody would laugh heartily again, and the whole tavern would be merry.

At such times, I could join in the laughter without being scolded by my master. In fact he often put such questions to Kung himself, to evoke laughter. Knowing it was no use talking to them, Kung would chat to us children. Once he asked me:

"Have you had any schooling?"

When I nodded, he said, "Well then, I'll test you. How do you write the character hui in hui-xiang (aniseed--Translator) peas?"

I thought, "I'm not going to be tested by a beggar!" So I turned away and ignored him. After waiting for some time, he said very earnestly:

"You can't write it? I'll show you how. Mind you remember! You ought to remember such characters, because later when you have a shop of your own, you'll need them to make up your accounts."

It seemed to me I was still very far from owning a shop; besides, our employer never entered hui-xiang peas in the account book. Amused yet exasperated, I answered listlessly: "Who wants you as a teacher? Isn't it the character hui with the grass radical?"

Kung was delighted, and tapped two long fingernails on the counter. "Right, right!" he said, nodding. "Only there are four different ways of writing hui. Do you know them?" My patience exhausted, I scowled and made off. Kung I-chi had dipped his finger in wine, in order to trace the characters on the counter; but when he saw how indifferent I was, he sighed and looked most disappointed.

Sometimes children in the neighbourhood, hearing laughter, came to join in the fun, and surrounded Kung I-chi Then he would give them peas flavoured with aniseed, one apiece. After eating the peas, the children would still hang round, their eyes on the dish. Flustered, he would cover the dish with his hand and, bending forward from the waist, would say: "There isn't much. I haven't much as it is." Then straightening up to look at the peas again, he would shake his head. "Not much! Verily, not much, forsooth!" Then the children would scamper off, with shouts of laughter.

Kung I-chi was very good company, but we got along all right without him too.
One day, a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the tavern keeper was laboriously making out his accounts. Taking down the board from the wall, he suddenly said: "Kung I-chi hasn't been in for a long time. He still owes nineteen coppers!" That made me realize how long it was since we had seen him.

"How could he come?" one of the customers said. "His legs were broken in that last beating."


"He was stealing again. This time he was fool enough to steal from Mr. Ting, the provincial scholar! As if anybody could get away with that!"

"What then?"

"What then? First he had to write a confession, then he was beaten. The beating lasted nearly all night, until his legs were broken."

"And then?"

"Well, his legs were broken."

"Yes, but after that?"

"After? . . . Who knows? He may be dead."

The tavern keeper did not pursue his questions, but went on slowly making up his accounts.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival the wind grew colder every day, as winter came on. Even though I spent all my time by the stove, I had to wear my padded jacket. One afternoon, when the shop was empty, I was sitting with my eyes closed when I heard a voice:

"Warm a bowl of wine."

The voice was very low, yet familiar. But when I looked up, there was no one in sight. I stood up and looked towards the door, and there, facing the threshold, beneath the counter, sat Kung I-chi. His face was haggard and lean, and he looked in a terrible condition. He had on a ragged lined jacket, and was sitting cross-legged on a mat which was attached to his shoulders by a straw rope. When he saw me, he repeated:

"Warm a bowl of wine."

At this point my employer leaned over the counter and said: "Is that Kung I-chi? You still owe nineteen coppers!

"That . . . I'll settle next time," replied Kung, looking up disconsolately. "Here's ready money; the wine must be good."

The tavern keeper, just as in the past, chuckled and said:

"Kung I-chi, you've been stealing again!"

But instead of protesting vigorously, the other simply said:

"You like your joke."

"Joke? If you didn't steal, why did they break your legs?"

"I fell," said Kung in a low voice. "I broke them in a fall." His eyes pleaded with the tavern keeper to let the matter drop. By now several people had gathered round, and they all laughed. I warmed the wine, carried it over, and set it on the threshold. He proced four coppers from his ragged coat pocket, and placed them in my hand. As he did so I saw that his hands were covered with mud--he must have crawled here on them. Presently he finished the wine and, amid the laughter and comments of the others, slowly dragged himself off by his hands.

A long time went by after that without our seeing Kung again. At the end of the year, when the tavern keeper took down the board, he said, "Kung I-chi still owes nineteen coppers!" At the Dragon Boat Festival the next year, he said the same thing again. But when the Mid-Autumn Festival came, he did not mention it. And another New Year came round without our seeing any more of him.

Nor have I ever seen him since--probably Kung I-chi is really dead.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 06:01

Roux hotel the other, and different : are the street is a piece of the counter, and in the cupboard to get hot, you can always warm, drink. working people, and in the afternoon off work, spent four a farthing. take a bowl of liquor, depend – it's twenty years ago, and now each of them are going up to ten, stood out against the cabinet aren, hot drink for ; to spend a penny if you can buy a dish of boiled bamboo salt, or 茴香豆, wine, and if in a dozen,That buying a meaty meal, but the customers and baju kurung help, perhaps there is no such a conception. there are only wearing a gown and walked into the store the next house wine to food, drink. i take from twelve, and in the mouth of it as a shopman in the hotel manager said that, i look too stupid, serving the customers and gown in there to do something. the clothes. although it is easy to speak, but harping between was also quite a few. they'veSeen 壶子底里 water, and a look at the pot in hot water, and then trust in the severe : supervision, 羼 also troubled water. so after a few days, manager and i can do it. thanks to commend the head of the big fire to pray, to warm the wine in a boring job. i have ever since the counter all day, in my position. although no negligence, but always feel like some monotonous and ll. the counterman is a fierce,Customers no good voice. teach others, not only the shop ; kong can only smiled, so still remember.Kong stood drinking and in the gown. he was very tall ; 青白 face, wrinkled, and was often some ; an untidy grey beard, wearing a gown, and dirty, it seems more than ten years, no washing. he is talking and always full of nature and a half understand, don't understand. his surname, be drawn from the red paper "" "not half understand kong understand, for he took off a nickname,Kong is a shop. kong, all of a drinker, are watching he laughed and cried, "your face and kong in the new scars." he did not answer, in the cupboard, "says wen two bowls of wine, like a dish 茴香豆." in nine a lot of money. they deliberately yelled, "you must and stolen the other thing!" kong eyes said, "how do you like this … … clean out of the people" "what i have seen the innocent? do you steal the familyBook, with a dozen. "in" kong will be flushed and his brow with the blue veins statements cracked a, argued, "stolen book cannot be counted as belonging to steal a book...!... that... student, it can be stolen?" after the passage, what is "gentleman" poor "," who ", and soon had everybody roaring with laughter : the shop with the air.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 07:53

are the street is a piece of the counter, and in the cupboard to get hot, you can always warm, drink. working people, and in the afternoon off work, spent four a farthing. take a bowl of liquor, depend – it's twenty years ago, and now each of them are going up to ten, stood out against the cabinet aren, hot drink for ; to spend a penny if you can buy a dish of boiled bamboo salt, or 茴香豆, wine, and if in a dozen,That buying a meaty meal, but the customers and baju kurung help, perhaps there is no such a conception. there are only wearing a gown and walked into the store the next house wine to food, drink. i take from twelve, and in the mouth of it as a shopman in the hotel manager said that, i look too stupid, serving the customers and gown in there to do something. the clothes. although it is easy to speak, but harping between was also quite a few. they'veSeen 壶子底里 water, and a look at the pot in hot water, and then trust in the severe : supervision, 羼 also troubled water. so after a few days, manager and i can do it. thanks to commend the head of the big fire to pray, to warm the wine in a boring job. i have ever since the counter all day, in my position. although no negligence, but always feel like some monotonous and ll. the counterman is a fierce,Customers no good voice. teach others, not only the shop ; kong can only smiled, so still remember.Kong stood drinking and in the gown. he was very tall ; 青白 face, wrinkled, and was often some ; an untidy grey beard, wearing a gown, and dirty, it seems more than ten years, no washing. he is talking and always full of nature and a half understand, don't understand. his surname, be drawn from the red paper "" "not half understand kong understand, for he took off a nickname,Kong is a shop. kong, all of a drinker, are watching he laughed and cried, "your face and kong in the new scars." he did not answer, in the cupboard, "says wen two bowls of wine, like a dish 茴香豆." in nine a lot of money. they deliberately yelled, "you must and stolen the other thing!" kong eyes said, "how do you like this … …

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 10:01

Roux hotel the other, and different : are the street is a piece of the counter, and in the cupboard to get hot, you can always warm, drink. working people, and in the afternoon off work, spent four a farthing. take a bowl of liquor, depend – it's twenty years ago, and now each of them are going up to ten, stood out against the cabinet aren, hot drink for ; to spend a penny if you can buy a dish of boiled bamboo salt, or , wine, and if in a dozen,That buying a meaty meal, but the customers and baju kurung help, perhaps there is no such a conception. there are only wearing a gown and walked into the store the next house wine to food, drink. i take from twelve, and in the mouth of it as a shopman in the hotel manager said that, i look too stupid, serving the customers and gown in there to do something. the clothes. although it is easy to speak, but harping between was also quite a few. they'veSeen water, and a look at the pot in hot water, and then trust in the severe : supervision, also troubled water. so after a few days, manager and i can do it. thanks to commend the head of the big fire to pray, to warm the wine in a boring job. i have ever since the counter all day, in my position. although no negligence, but always feel like some monotonous and ll. the counterman is a fierce,Customers no good voice. teach others, not only the shop ; kong can only smiled, so still remember.Kong stood drinking and in the gown. he was very tall ; face, wrinkled, and was often some ; an untidy grey beard, wearing a gown, and dirty, it seems more than ten years, no washing. he is talking and always full of nature and a half understand, don't understand. his surname, be drawn from the red paper "" "not half understand kong understand, for he took off a nickname,Kong is a shop. kong, all of a drinker, are watching he laughed and cried, "your face and kong in the new scars." he did not answer, in the cupboard, "says wen two bowls of wine, like a dish 茴香豆." in nine a lot of money. they deliberately yelled, "you must and stolen the other thing!" kong eyes said, "how do you like this … … clean out of the people" "what i have seen the innocent? do you steal the familyBook, with a dozen. "in" kong will be flushed and his brow with the blue veins statements cracked a, argued, "stolen book cannot be counted as belonging to steal a book...!... that... student, it can be stolen?" after the passage, what is "gentleman" poor "," who ", and soon had everybody roaring with laughter : the shop with the air.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 12:25


热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 15:07

Translation: Kong Yiji (Lu Xun)
(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)
The setup of the taverns in Lu Town was different from that elsewhere.
Each one of them had a big L-shaped counter facing the street.
Hot water was always ready inside the counter for warming wines.
When working people got off work near noon or evening, they would regularly spend four copper coins to buy a bowl of wine – and that was twenty and some odd years ago because nowadays each bowl has gone up to ten copper coins.
A person could rest up by leaning against the outside of the counter and drinking warm wine.
An extra copper coin would get him a plate of salty bamboo shoot or fennel beans as snack to go with the wine.
Paying ten copper coins would get him a meat dish.
But most of these customers belonged to the casually dressed group—so called the “short-sleeved” bunch—who wouldn’t be so free-spending.
Only those in long gowns would walk into the rooms next to the bar, order wine and dishes, and then sit down to enjoy them leisurely.
Since I was twelve years old, I had been working as a helper in Xian Heng Tavern located at the front entrance of town.
The shopkeeper said I didn’t look smart and he was afraid I would not be able to serve the long-gown customers well.
So I was given something to do outside of the rooms.
Even though the short-sleeved customers were easier to talk to, yet there were no shortage of non-stop blabbering and baffling nonsense in their dialogues.
Often to get them at ease, they would want to see with their own eyes the scooping of wine straight out from the earthenware jars, the absence of water at the bottom of the wine jugs, and the deposit of the jugs in hot water.
Under such tight supervision, alterating the wine with water would be difficult.
So after a few days, the shopkeeper said I couldn’t handle the job.
Fortunately the backing that got me this job had a lot of pull and the shopkeeper couldn’t fire me.
So I was assigned to the uninteresting job of warming wine.
So from then on I had been standing inside the counter all day long to look after my ties.
While I did not fumble on what I did, still I felt the job was a bit monotonous and ll.
I could not cheer up because the shopkeeper had an intimidating look and customers had nothing good to say.
Only Kong Yiji’s appearance in the tavern that triggered a few laughs from me, and that is why I can still remember him.
Kong Yiji was the only standing drinker who wore a long gown.
He had a tall build with pale complexion, wound-scars in wrinkles, and unkempt, grizzled beard.
Even though what he wore was a long gown, yet it was filthy and torn—seemingly unpatched and unwashed for over ten years.
He always blended classical literary quotes amid his dialogues in such a way that people could never fully understand what he was saying.
Because his surname was Kong, people coined the nickname “Kong Yiji” for him taken from a hard-to-understand phrase in a popular vermilion-ink copybook.
One day upon Kong Yiji’s arrival, all the people drinking in the tavern looked at him and laughed. Some shouted out: “Kong Yiji, you have added new scars on your face.”
He didn’t answer and said to the server behind the counter: “Warm two drinks for me and get me a plate of fennel beans.”
Then he took out nine copper coins.
Some of them deliberately yelled out loud: “You must have stolen someone’s stuff!”
A wide-eyed Kong Yiji said: “Why are you making an unfounded accusation to ruin my innocence?”
Someone responded: “What innocence? I personally saw that you were hung up and whipped for stealing books from the He Family.”
As his face was turning all red and the green veins on his forehead were bulging up, Kong Yiji’ argued: “Pilfering books is not counted as stealing….pilfering books!
That’s a scholar’s thing.
How could such be considered as stealing?”
What followed was a chain of perplexing words making loose references to ancient sayings the like of “of course gentlemen are impoverished” and “what me?”
Everyone cracked up with laughter and the mood around the tavern was livened up.
From what people said behind his back, Kong Yiji took up studying but he never passed the Imperial Exam.
Also he was unable to earn a living and so his financial situation went downhill.
He almost had to resort to panhandling.
Fortunately he had good penmanship and so he could copy books for people to earn meals.
But then he had the bad habit of being a boozer and a slacker.
After sitting down for a few days, he would disappear with all the employer’s books and writing accessories.
A few times after behaving like this, no one would ask him to copy books anymore.
Kong Yiji had no choice but to engage in stealing occasionally.
But in our tavern he was better behaved than others and for a while, he always paid his debts.
At times he did not have cash and his unpaid balance would show up temporarily on the chalkboard.
But he would pay the amount owing in full within a month and the name Kong Yiji would be erased from the chalkboard.

求助:鲁迅的小说《孔乙己》的英文翻译,必须是外国人翻译的!悬赏100分!Lu pattern of the town hotel, and it is different elsewhere: are the streets of a large L-shaped counter, which prepared the hot wa


孔乙己是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。他身材很高大;青白脸色,皱纹间时常夹些伤 痕;一部乱蓬蓬的花白的胡子。穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似乎十多年没有补,也没 有洗。他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂的。因为他姓孔,别人便从描红纸 上的“上大人孔乙己”这半懂不懂的...

鲁迅 未有天才之前 文章翻译











特别是严复翻译的英国人赫胥黎著的《天演论》,更给予鲁迅以深刻的影响。《天演论》是介绍达尔文的进化论学说的一部著作,这使鲁迅认识到现实世界并不是和谐完美的,而是充满了激烈的竞争。一个人,一个民族,要想生存,要想发展,就要有自立、自主、自强的精神。不能甘受命运的摆布,不能任凭强者的欺凌。 鲁迅的生平和...





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