发布时间:2024-09-24 06:34
时间:2024-10-16 19:10
OD - oculus dexter 右眼
OS - oculus sinister 左眼
OU - oculus uterque 双眼
VA - visual acuity 视力
MAR - minimum angle resolution 最小分辨角
Cc - cum correctore 矫正视力
Sc - sine correctore 裸眼视力
PH - pinhole 针孔视力
PHNI - no improvement with pinhole 针孔视力无改善
D - distance 远距
N - near 近距
CF - counting finger 指数
HM - hand motion 手动
LP - light perception 光感
NLP - no light perception 无光感
PD - pupil distance 瞳距
JCC - Jackson cross cylinder Jackson交叉圆柱镜
FCC - fused cross cylinder 融合*叉圆柱镜
MPMVA - maximum plus to maximum visual acuity 最大正镜最佳视力
AMP - amplitude 调节幅度
NPC - nera point of convergence 集合近点
PRA - positive relative accommodation 正相对调节
NRA - negative relative accommodation 负相对调节
PRC - positive relative convergence 正相对集合
NRC - negative relative convergence 负相对集合
PFV - positive fusion vergence 正融像性聚散
NFV - negative fusion vergence 负融像性聚散
CT - cover test 遮盖试验
exo - exotropia/exophoria 外斜视/外隐斜
eso - esotropia/esophoria 内斜视/内隐斜
hypo - hypotropia 上斜
hyper - hypertropia 下斜
BI - base in 底朝内
BO - base out 底朝外
BU - base up 底朝上
BD - base down 底朝下
DLP - distance lateral phoria 远距水平隐斜
DVP - distance vertical phoria 远距垂直隐斜
NLP - near lateral phoria 近距水平隐斜
NVP - near vertical phoria 近距垂直隐斜
AC/A - accommodation convergence/accommation 调节性集合与调节比值
CBB - ciliary body band 睫状体带
SS - scleral spur 巩膜突
TM - trabecular meshwork 小梁网
SL - Schwalbe's line Schwalbe线
C/D - cup/disc ratio 杯盘比
CS - contrast sensitivity 对比敏感度
NCT - non-contact tonometer 非接触眼压计
UBM - ultrasound biomicroscopy 超声生物显微镜
ACD - anterior chamber distance 前房深度
OKN - optokinetic nystagmus 视动性眼颤
RDS - random dot stereograms 随机点立体视检查图卡
IOP - intraocular pressure 眼压
BUT - breaking up time 泪膜破裂时间
CT - corneal thickness 角膜厚度
OPD - optical path difference 光程差
OD - oculus dexter 右眼 OS - oculus sinister 左眼 OU - oculus uterque 双眼 VA - visual acuity 视力 MAR - minimum angle resolution 最小分辨角 Cc - cum correctore 矫正视力 Sc - sine correctore 裸眼视力 PH - pinhole 针孔视力 PHNI - no improvement with pinhole 针孔视力无改善 D...
眼部定位:OD - Right Eye (右眼)OS - Left Eye (左眼)OU - Bilateral Eyes (双眼)视力评估:VA - Visual Acuity (视力)MAR - Minimum Resolving Angle (最小分辨角)Cc - Corrected Vision (矫正视力)Sc - Uncorrected Vision (裸眼视力)PH - Pinhole Vision (针孔视力)PHNI - No Improvement...