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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 19:19



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 22:01

首先 要写你看的东西的主要内容。




"Love of ecation" This book is a masterpiece spread all over the world, which is based on the way to write the diary, the length of each is not long, but there is a touching story. This book expresses the author's family, school, parents, brothers and sisters, the view of the relationship between teachers and students.
After reading this book, of which there are a few of my special favorite. Such as "noble conct," reads as follows: Author class room and saw 34 students being teased克洛西red hair, he is a disabled arm of a child, his mother make a living selling vegetables. Some students stabbed him with a ruler, and some students take chestnut shell of objects being thrown from his school, he was also hung on the neck with one hand on it.克洛西in the seats, pale, and look at their mercy. Several fun of his classmates to see him this way, the more energy, and Fran Matisse also skip this rogue stools, and the role of Tam克洛西mother dishes out of the way, the students will be met with laughter. At this time the克洛西is nugry, inkstand from the table and start to enjoy throwing objects from the past, Fran, Fran Matisse but flash on one side, just playing in the silent water bottles into the classroom is the teacher's body. We met with, and then fled back to their seats are up, teachers change the face color, stern voice asked: "This is who did?" No one answered, ask the teacher to enhance the sound, then suddenly stood up Karon and admit that it was their dry, but not his teacher said. After a while, the teacher said penalties will not throw people inkstand.克洛西stood up, crying to tell the teacher what happened. Teachers will tell students that the four naughty stand up and learned
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