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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 12:57



热心网友 时间:2024-09-02 21:32

Diffferent people have different interest.As for me,music is my favorest thing.
Music has always been a very important part of my life. It eases the pain when I am wounded, cheers me up when I am sad, makes me more excited when I am already happy, even keeps me going when I am tired. I can not imagine what it must have felt like in my parents' days, when there was almost no music at all.
I have listened to many different kinds of music, and I like most of them. I had my classical days and I had my fare share of being crazy about Michael Jackson. But these days, Electro is what spikes me up the most. After years and years of going after singers, memorizing lyrics and all, words and vocals just do not do it for me anymore. It is always the same kind of voices and techniques, always the same "oh I love you baby I can not live without you" or "I feel so blue the world is unfair"... Without lyrics, composers can only express the emotions through music and music only, listeners do not get caught up with words anymore, they get the energy and emotions directly through the tunes. It is universal. I no longer have to understand the language to appreciate the full meanings of the songs, or should I call the "tracks". Do not get me wrong though, I did learn a lot of English through my lyric days. I am thankful for that. But now being through it all, I focus more on what the notes bring me.
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