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英语 组词成句

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 09:28



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 02:55

1He likes working with numbers
2Let‘sput away the clean clothes
3She often helps tourists find their way

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 02:49

1.He likes working with numbers
2.Let's clean and put away the clothes
3.She often helps their tourious to find the way

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 02:54

he likes working with nubers;
let's put away the clothes clean;

1.to,need,pack,if,there,go,you,clothes,warm,you,now You need to pack warm clothes if you go there now.2.going,are,a,to,trip,of,take,we,in,China,somewhere,south,the We are going to take a trip somewhere in the south of China.3.would,she,be,for,weeks,two,away,like...

谁会这个组词成句? (英语的)

became,then,a,taikonaut,first,a,pilot,became,Yang Liwei,he.Yang Liwei became a pilot first, then he became a taikonaut.杨利伟开始成为了一名飞行员,之后成为了一名中国航天员


1.Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你 2,What is telephone number.电话号码是什么?3,His name is Dale.他的名字是戴尔。


to,went, the,saw,zoo,they,pandas, and,some 组词成句:They went to the zoo and saw some pandas.句意:他们去了动物园看熊猫。


1.Walk along the street and then turn right.2.You will see the stadium on your right.3.Can I take an underground to the farm?4.Could you tell me how to get to the bus station?5.The People's Square is opposite my father's company.

英语连词成句: cold,It‘s,in,Harbin,winter,in ?

英[kəʊld]释义:adj.冷的,凉的;冷淡的,冷漠的;冷色调的;已变淡的;失去知觉的;真实的,客观的;扫兴的,灰蒙蒙的;远未猜中的 n.感冒,伤风;寒冷,低温 adv.突然地,彻底地;毫无准备地 [复数:colds;比较级:colder;最高级:coldest]短语:Cold War冷战;冷战风云;...


①teacher art who's your {?} ①{ Who's your art teacher ? }你美术老师是谁?第二题怀疑你少打一个it.②today what day is it{?} ②{ What day is it today? }今天周几?③food what's favourite your {?} ③{ What's your favou...

组词成句,请注意题后的标点。---英语 5. weather ,like,what ,chengdu...

What's the weather like in Chengdu?My grandpa went fishing in the countryside last weekend.How are Tom and Kate learning to dance?Would you like a large bowl of mutton noodles?They swam in the lake yesterday.祝你学习进步!


Li Ling,was ill yesterday, so he did,not,go school

英语 组词成句

1He likes working with numbers 他喜欢很多人一起工作 2Let‘sput away the clean clothes 让我们收好干净的衣服 3She often helps tourists find their way 她经常帮助游客找到他们要去的路

英雄造句大全 英语词组及造句 英语组词成句书籍 单词造句英语 英语好词组造句 英语短语及例句大全 英语词组和短语大全 英语造句加什么词语 英语的词组是怎么样的
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