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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-08 01:31



热心网友 时间:2024-10-12 08:52

1.August 6th rainy Today I was very happy.Because I helped my mother with housework.I did the dishes,sweeped the floor,cleaned the window,watering the flowers and washed clothes.My mother said I was a very diligent kid.And she made a very decliious dinner for me. 2.August 7th sunny Today I made a very good friend.She is a nice girl and she is very friendly to me.Her name is Sun.She helped me with my homework and taugh how to use the Internet to chat with others.I found it Sun was good at English.She is a hard-working girl.I was happy to make a friend like her. 3.August 8th sunny Today I was studied at home.I was sad because of the illness.I couldn't go out because I had a fever today.I just stayed in bed and had nothing to do .Today I was boring and sad! 4.August 9th sunny My grandparents visited me today.They bought me some snacks to eat and a pet dog for me to play.The dog named Cally.But I didn't like the name Cally.So I called the name for her was Sammy.I though she must be very happy for this name. 5.August 10th sunny Today I visited my friend Sun.She was sad becasue of the mistooks she has made.I was not happy to see that.So I tried my best to comfort her.Then she was not sad and I was happy.

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