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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-07 06:02



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 11:36

第一句:不要用现在完成时,represent很少有完成时。i know the cet-4 level only represents the ...
还有我不知道能不能叫accidence level,可以说是the rudiments(基础) of english。
第二句:是access to my dream.
第三句:因为是句子,所以不能用because of,改为because。stringent貌似不好修饰aspiration.
我的翻译:because my eager disire for working in international management has never been suppressed.
最后:我一定要尝试,i must have a try.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 11:36

I've realized that ,in spite of the certificate of CET-4 Level ,I've only opened the entrance door of English studying and ,as a huge barrier,the poor English makes it difficult to attempt a prospective shift.


In response to my intense aspiration to work in those enterprises with international management,I will always be passional and persist in applying for the post demands strong capacity of using English as before.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 11:37

I have sense of CET-4 Level only represents the entry level of English, English has become inadequate capacity to pursue their own ideals and obstacles. However, I still unwilling to give up on English ability and the requirements of the job application, because I can not suppress their own on the international management level of enterprises to think of the urgency. I must try!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 11:37

i have known that the CET-4 Level only represented the primary level in English. my not-well English ability has become a kind of obstacle to access my dream. However, I never give up those positions with higher demand in English. Because my stringent aspiration is unable to be contrained to work in those international enterprises . I must take an effort!
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