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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 20:06



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 20:01

One year ago, the finance crisis (financial crisis)swept across the globe (world), which had a deep impact on the national social, economic and cultural developments (it made profound impact on the social, economic and cultural construction of many countries).
The talents, cultivated in the schools, had the new difficulties in taking up and choosing occuptations in response to it. (In consequence, talents educated in school run into new difficulties when they seek employment and choosing their careers).
In order to deal with the challenges of the finicial crisis, we should study and reform the school mode of traditional talent cultivation as well as explore its work experience and limitation. (To meet challenges of financial crisis, the traditional talent training mode are to be studied and reformed; the experience in and limitations of the traditional talents training are to be investigated.)
Since all schools at different levels were involved in the work of talent cultivation, qualified teacher was the key to improving the quality of talent cultivation. (However, various levels of schools are involved in the training of talents. Thus the key to improve training quality of talents lies in teachers.) Therefore, studing the teachers’ ability of educational innovation, exploring and establishing its characteristic system and mechanism was a significant research program.(Therefore, it is a subject of importance to research on innovation of teachers and education, and to seek for distinctive teacher education system and mechanism.)

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 20:01

One year ago, the finance crisis (financial crisis)swept across the globe (world), which had a deep impact on the national social, economic and cultural developments (it made profound impact on the social, economic and cultural construction of many countries).
The talents, cultivated in the schools, had the new difficulties in taking up and choosing occuptations in response to it. (In consequence, talents educated in school run into new difficulties when they seek employment and choosing their careers).
In order to deal with the challenges of the finicial crisis, we should study and reform the school mode of traditional talent cultivation as well as explore its work experience and limitation. (To meet challenges of financial crisis, the traditional talent training mode are to be studied and reformed; the experience in and limitations of the traditional talents training are to be investigated.)
Since all schools at different levels were involved in the work of talent cultivation, qualified teacher was the key to improving the quality of talent cultivation. (However, various levels of schools are involved in the training of talents. Thus the key to improve training quality of talents lies in teachers.) Therefore, studing the teachers’ ability of educational innovation, exploring and establishing its characteristic system and mechanism was a significant research program.(Therefore, it is a subject of importance to research on innovation of teachers and education, and to seek for distinctive teacher education system and mechanism.)
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