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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 06:21



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 02:02

In recent years, English composition questions on the college entrance examination have frequently involved hot topics and current news. What might the composition question for the 2022 Zhejiang English exam be? How can students write better compositions? Below are predicted composition topics for the 2022 Zhejiang English college entrance examination along with sample models. Students are encouraged to take these into consideration.
**Predicted Composition Topic for 2022 Zhejiang English Exam:**
Artificial Intelligence and the Era of 5G
Artificial intelligence and the 5G era have silently emerged. As technology increasingly integrates with human life, intelligent technology can be seen everywhere, making life more convenient while also bringing about many dilemmas. Please complete the following composition:
1. Describe or imagine the future development of artificial intelligence.
2. Analyze the reasons for this phenomenon.
3. Discuss the pros and cons and express your personal attitude.
**Sample Excellent Composition:**
It is widely acknowledged that the era of 5G technology is on the horizon. Often referred to as the fourth instrial revolution, the future of computer science lies in artificial intelligence. It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought, aiming to create machines that think like humans, serve humans, and help solve problems.
After all, human thought is considered unique, characterized by emotions and a variety of personalities, which is very difficult to replicate in machines. In fact, achieving machines that think exactly like humans is not the sole purpose of artificial intelligence. Through the study of artificial intelligence, various scientific problems can be resolved, and it will have a significant impact on the development of other sciences, thereby affecting the lives of all people.
I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is a field waiting to be explored by humanity step by step.
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