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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 23:46



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 23:15

1, learning experiences
09/2002-7/2006 × × University, College of Computer, Computer Application and Technology, obtained an undergraate degree
So far 09/2007- × × University, School of software, software engineering, master's degree, will graate in July next year
2, career goals
 want to start a software development intern, a graal development of the transition to the system analysis, design, the goal is to be a good system architect
3, technical skills
 familiar with C, C + +, JAVA, VC, and other programming languages, and can use the JAVA software development
 familiar with the Sql Server2000, mySql database, such as the development tools
 on the basic design of the software development model is understood that the language of the UML, have also been used in the Rational Rose also understand
 familiar with development tools such as Eclipse, and the development of several projects
 understanding of the software engineering concepts and ideas
4, English proficiency
 CET-4
 good oral English communication skills, as well as English writing skills
5, and as students receive an honorary post
2002-2003 school year were "second-class award scholarships to outstanding school" twice
2002-2003 school year was "Miyoshi school students," the honorary title
2003-2004 school year was "by the Guangxi Regional Government scholarships awarded second-class"
2003-2004 school year was "Miyoshi school students," the honorary title
2003-2004 school year was "school scholarships for outstanding students," a
2005-2006 school year graates in the evaluation as "excellent"
By the 2007-2008 academic year, "Sun Yat-sen University School Institute will be outstanding activists of People with Disabilities"
2007-2008 school year was "outstanding member of Sun Yat-sen University School of People with Disabilities"

2003-2004 school term, vice minister of the Propaganda Department of Hospitals
2003-2004 school year, any member of the class to learn
2007-2008 school year ban any member of the publicity
2007-2008 school year, Ren Sun Yat-sen University School Committee members will study (the only software to select a college)
2007-2008 school year, Sun Yat-sen University School Institute will be appointed deputy minister of the network
6, and the experience of community participation in school activities
In the long-term out-of-school tutoring and has done a lot to do part-time job
Remedial math, physics and chemistry and computer knowledge, most of the students performance and the ability to raise significant;
Out leaflets on the streets, volunteers have
Work-study positions in schools, counselors done
Actively involved in school and college organizations
Junior school athletic meets to participate in 1500 when long-distance competition, better results
As a post-graate study at the "Art Institute Stars" competition, as well as the staff of the graate faculty basketball game, and other staff
Hospitals participating in research at 1500 Games long-distance race, better results
Add:  2) on-line testing system (Java)
The main objective: the object-oriented methods and the development of the Java language-based interactive GUI, to support the target of persistent on-line test system
Platform: JDK 1.4, Eclipse, Sql Server 2000
My ties: Independent Development
Description: The system maintains a databank of examination questions (ItemLibrary), OLTS start, random questions from the library to take (pickup) a test, the test will be displayed on a rolling screen for users to visit the region (browse), and allows users to In the GUI interface to answer questions submitted (submit) the answer (answer), and then automatically mark (correct) answer to the user whether or not the standard answer (standardAnswer) the same; so the cycle until the user opt-out system. From the system, users can view their own at any time the cumulative results of the test (score).
Harvest: The use of O / R design experience, and the correct use of JDBC to the realization of the right of the program; gained experience in the preparation of a larger program (the program has more than 6000 lines).

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 23:15

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