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有一首英文歌开始是 I'm living for the weekend 很动感的,谁能帮我...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 19:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 22:36

Living For The Weekend (Album Version)
歌手: Hard-FI

Oh, I've been working all week i'm tired,
I've been working all week and I'm,
Just livin for the weekend,

Hey hey, i've got some money i just got paid,
I got some money and i can't wait,
At 6 o'clock, I'm out of here,

Out there tonight is the night of my life got my name on,
Run down my street adidas on my feet i'm on fire...

Working all the time, work is such a bind,
Got some money to spend, I'm livin for the weekend,
When it gets too much, I live for the rush,
Got some money to spend, I'm livin for the weekend,

Oh man, I've been working all week i'm shot,
I've been working all week for what?
Just livin for the weekend,

Ah shit! So my clothes are all counterfeit,
So my name isn't on the list,
You can't come in so go home boys...

Slip round the back look at that there's a cracked toilet window,
Drop to the floor cold as ice through the door I'm on fire...

Working all the time, work is such a bind,
Got some money to spend, I'm livin for the weekend,
When it gets too much, I live for the rush,
Got some money to spend, I'm livin for the weekend,

Oh yeah, I look around me and i can see,
This place is full of people like me,
All livin for the weekend.

Yeah yeah, I feel the rhythm i see the light,
I feel my heart beat I feel alive,
Nothing can stop me now, nothing can bring me down,

Out there tonight is the night of my life got my name on,
Skip to the beat adidas on my feet I'm on fire!

Working all the time, work is such a bind,
Got some money to spend, I'm livin for the weekend,
When it gets too much, I live for the rush,
Got some money to spend, I'm livin for the weekend,

Livin for the weekend I'm livin for the weekend,
Livin for the weekend I'm livin for the weekend,
Livin for the weekend I'm livin for the weekend,
Livin for the weekend I'm livin for the weekend,

Going out tonight, going out tonight,
Baby you and I going out tonight,
Going out tonight, going out tonight,
Baby you and I going out tonight,

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 22:39

living for the weekend 听听看

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 22:33

《Hard-Fi - Living For The Weekend》

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 22:36

Bright Lights Bigger City
歌手:Cee Lo Green
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