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请问The Eagles(老鹰乐队)的一首歌的歌词: You belong to the city

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 00:34



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 12:40

The sun goes down, the night rolls in
You can feel it starting all over again
The moon comes up and the music calls
You're gettin' tired of starin' at the same four walls
You're out of your room and down on the street
Movin' through the crowd and the midnight heat
The traffic crawls, the sirens scream
You look at the faces, it's just like a dream
Nobody knows where you're goin',
Nobody cares where you've been
'Cause you belong to the city
You belong to the night
Livin' in a river of darkness
Beneath the neon lights
You were born in the city
Concrete under your feet
It's in your moves, it's in your blood
You're a man of the street
When you said goodbye, you were on the run
Tryin' to get away from the things you've done
Now you're back again, and you're feeling strange
So much has happened, but nothing has changed
You still don't know where you're goin',
You're still just a face in the crowd
It's in your blood, it's in your moves
You're a man of the street
You can feel it, you can taste it
You can see it, you can face it
You can hear it, hey, you're getting near it, hey
You wanna make it 'cause you can take it
You belong to the city, you belong to the night
You belong to the city, you belong to the night
You belong, you belong
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