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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 06:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 16:25

Each commodity has its own market, medicine is no exception. The composition of the pharmaceutical market by the seller and the buyer, the buyer of drugs (mainly for the patients, but not just patients), is the demand for drugs through the market of medicines they need; medicine seller (mainly for the proction of drugs and sales organizations), is a provider of drugs, through the market to the demand for drugs to provide medicines. In addition, because the specificity of drugs. Imposed by the Government of the pharmaceutical market and strong government intervention.
Therefore, in pharmaceutical drugs on the market economy the impact of multi-formed the basis of its unique economy.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 16:26

Each kind of goods has its own market, the drug is not exceptional also. The pharmaceutical market by both parties, the buyer (mainly for drugs, but are not limited to patients with drugs), eventually, through the market for them, The seller (mainly for medicine proction and sales of drug agency), pharmaceutical, through the market to the supplier of demanders provide drugs. Drug In addition, because of the particularity of the drug. The government imposed on the pharmaceutical market of strong government intervention.
Therefore in the pharmaceutical market by many drugs, the influence of economic formed its unique economic basis.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 16:26

Each commodity has its own market, medicine is no exception. The composition of the pharmaceutical market by the seller and the buyer, the buyer of drugs (mainly for the patients, but not just patients), is the demand for drugs through the market of medicines they need; medicine seller (mainly for the proction of drugs and sales organizations), is a provider of drugs, through the market to the demand for drugs to provide medicines. In addition, because the specificity of drugs. Imposed by the Government of the pharmaceutical market and strong government intervention.
Therefore, in pharmaceutical drugs on the market economy the impact of multi-formed the basis of its unique economy.
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