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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 18:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 22:17

When you put me into the black list, I thought l coudn't come back anymore; when I called you you didn't smile as before , I thought l coudn't come back anymore; when you didn't reply to me, I thought l coudn't come back anymore; if your reply became blame, I thought l coudn't come back anymore, when I want to give up, they said, friendship is give up the dignity to coax or cheat him, to beg him.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 22:17

When you put me into the black list, I thought l coudn't come back anymore; when I called you you didn't smile as before , I thought l coudn't come back anymore; when you didn't reply to me, I thought l coudn't come back anymore; if your reply became blame, I thought l coudn't come back anymore, when I want to give up, they said, friendship is give up the dignity to coax or cheat him, to beg him.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 22:18

When you put me into the black list, I thought l coudn't come back anymore; when I called you you didn't smile as before , I thought l coudn't come back anymore; when you didn't reply to me, I thought l coudn't come back anymore; if your reply became blame, I thought l coudn't come back anymore, when I want to give up, they said, friendship is give up the dignity to coax or cheat him, to beg him.

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