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求一首80年代左右的英文歌名,女声,If I could write you a rock'n'ro...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 02:04



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 23:55

DEBBY BOONE - A Rock And Roll Song

I know you're feeling down
Your days seem lonely and blue
If I could just get close enough
Here's what I'd say to you
If I could write you a rock and roll song
I'd write gentle words to say you will have a brighter day
If I could write you a rock and roll song
You could play it when you're feeling down
Just a simple song from me to you
It could cheer you up when you feel blue
All that you'd have to know is turn on your radio
And listen to the words of my song, of my song
And I'd say
Don't let the rain fall down your window
Don't let the clouds cloud up your eyes
Life can be beautiful, sunny and morn
If you have a rock and roll song
If I could write you a rock and roll song
I'd write words to make you see all the things you mean to me
If I could write you a rock and roll song
You would know I'm more than just a friend
There's not much that I can do today
But in time, you might just come my way
So until then you know, turn on your radio
And listen to the words of my song, of my song
And I'd say
Don't let the rain fall down your window
Don't let the clouds cloud up your eyes
Life can be beautiful, sunny and morn
If you have a rock and roll song
Don't let the rain fall down your window
Don't let the clouds cloud up your eyes
Life can be beautiful, sunny and morn
If you have a rock and roll song
Don't let the rain fall down your window
Don't let the clouds cloud up your eyes
Life can be beautiful, sunny and morn
If you have a rock and roll song
Don't let the rain fall down your window
Don't let the clouds cloud up your eyes
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