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no use后是doing还是to do

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 19:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:51


It's no use doing.

use  [juːz]  n. 用途,作用





A:I feel sad now and I really want to cry!

B:It's no use crying for him,you need to put yourself together!



A:It's no use arguing with him, he is so stubborn.

B:I just can't stand it and always lose my temper!



A:It's no use reciting the words like this!

B:What else should I do? Give me a hand,please!


一、加to do的高频考查动词

1、afford to do  负担的起做某事 

We can’t afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何失误。

2、agree to do  同意做某事

Do you agree to have dinner today? 今天你同意一块吃饭吗?

3、choose to do  选择做某事

Why  do so many choose to leave their country? 为什么有这么多人要离开祖国?

4、decide to do  决定做某事

She decided to accept the offer. 她决定接受这一提议。

5、expect to do 期待做某事

The shop expects to make more money this year. 


6、hope to do  希望做某事

I hope to see you again sometime next year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。

7、hurry to do  急忙做某事

We shall have to hurry to get there in time. 我们将不得不及时赶到那。

8、manage to do  设法做成某事

How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事?

9、plan to do  打算做某事

Where do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪里度假。

10、prefer to do  宁愿做某事

I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我宁愿坐在汽车的前面。

11、refuse to do  拒绝做某事

I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。

12、seem to do  看似做了某事

The books seem to be lost. 那些书好像不见了。

13、wish to do  希望做某事

I wish to talk with you in private. 我希望能私下里同你谈话。

14、want to do  想要做某事

Is that why you don't want to go home? 


15、 would like to do  想要做某事

I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。

二、 后加doing的高频考查动词

1、avoid doing  避免做某事

Avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 避免在交通拥挤时间穿越这条街道。

2、consider doing  考虑做某事

Would you consider working in New York next year? 明年你考虑到纽约工作吗?

3、enjoy doing  享受做某事

I enjoy singing, much more listening to music. 我喜欢唱歌,更不用说听音乐了。

4、finish doing  结束做某事

It took us a whole week to finish painting the home. 我们花了整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。

5、hate doing  讨厌做某事

The boys hate doing homework on Sundays. 男孩们讨厌在星期日做家庭作业。

6、imagine doing  想象做某事

I can't imagine living with a drunk. 我想象不出与一个醉汉生活在一起的情形。

7、keep doing  持续做某事

Foreign words keep coming into English. 外来词源源不断地进入英语。

8、mind doing  介意做某事

Would you mind stepping aside to let me pass? 你介意站开让我走过去吗?

9、practice doing  练习做某事

Practice throwing the ball into the net. 练习投篮。

10、regret doing  后悔做某事

I believe you will regret leaving Paris. 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:51

be no use doing sth是肯定的,绝对没错.
例如 It is no use watching too much TV.
所谓的接to do sth,是用在be used to do sth被用来做某事
It is no use trying to persuade him to have a holiday because he is a workaholic.(P53) 其中用了 It’s no use doing sth.(做某事没用 / 只是白费力气)句型.在这个句型中,动词-ing形式trying to persuade him to have a holiday是主语,it 是形式主语.这种动词-ing作主语,it 作形式主语的句型还有:
1.It is no good doing sth.做某事不好 / 没用 / 不行
2.It’s a waste of time / money doing sth.做某事是白费时间 / 金钱
3.It’s fun doing sth.做某事很有趣
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