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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 16:05



热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 20:42

This subject is to study the corporate logo design recognition degrees, first I assume every instry logo has its potential regularity and the recognition, and then began to research, from our most familiar with basic "food, clothing, shelter and transportation, using" to investigate, regard my hypothesis basis.

Research from the situation, I think the basic established. General science and technology instrial class label is more like line is fluent, clean, powerful graphics, has pace, science and technology, modern feeling; Food logo like line downy, try to make graphics full, it felt like food as the outline of the mellow. Female instry marking tendency line is fluent, slender lightsome, beautiful and moving, curvaceous, female flavour is dye-in-the-wood. Housing class identification with people like the combination of a building, embody the meaning of contented life. In colors on the logo, science and technology instry used blue, black; The food instry marking commonly used red, yellow; Female instry used black, pink logo; Real estate instry identifier used blue, green and yellow; Appliances instries in black and blue. Thus we can learn, design the logo is a certain rule exists, as long as the master graphics applications and main body color, and this some elements, design the marks has certain recognition degrees and distinct degrees, can let a person at a glance in distinguishing out the logo attribute and instry characteristics.

This topic is in the idea of doing HaoHai oasis digital arts public service platform at the beginning of this VI design was established, then started HaoHai oasis logo design, try to do a lot of are mentor denial, lies in the logo design form of the company itself with enough HaoHai oasis attribute, digital art public service platform is to belong to design originality class company, he wants to highlight is the digitizing, technology and creative features in the design, and I HaoHai consideration "oasis" enterprise name means and represents the connotation, but not highlight its most fundamental, enterprise itself the instrial characteristics in this problem, I made this topic research basis, this also is many students in the design are ignoring a problem, but don't get very good face, and I check the next, few studies have corporate logo design recognition degrees this problem, so this is I study the meaning of the subject.


The concept of corporate logo logo modelling characteristics of corporate logo shape, colour and font with different the recognition of how to trade mark logo positioning
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