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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 14:40



热心网友 时间:2023-07-27 00:51


It is a famous designer of Denmark that Chinese would rather be full of trees, born to draw in Germany generally, is praised as Denmark's most remarkable design theoretician, the technical school in Copenhagen and Danish scientific and technological institute have studied him. In 1920, it becomes the independent architect in Copenhagen that Chinese would rather be full of trees, prosperous in that, he succeeded in designing in several houses, factories and rooms of two theaters. In addition, he also writes the article for several newspapers and periodicals, writes the stapstick, creates poems for the theater. Can be found out by his characters works, he is still a sharp society and building critic.

The Danish designer man would rather be full of trees " PH " lamps and lanterns designed are not merely the typical representatives of Scandinavian design styles, have reflected the cardinal principle of art design too: Science and technology and perfection of the skill are unified. This design, at international fair of Paris of 1925, as tying with the famous architect tight? Ke cloth century building " new spiritual hall " remarkable design that enjoy equal popularity and get gold medal of the west, and still best selling goods on the international market so far. Become and annotate the best footnote that Denmark designed " style without time restriction ".


On one hand, from the scientific angle, design this make light form soft even result (all light must reach working range through layers of tired lamp shade reflection one or more times), thus dispelled the shade that the general lamps and lanterns have effectively, and has carried on beneficial compensation to the light table of white heat, in order to create more suitable mere. Moreover, the separation of the lamp shade has avoided the stimulus to eyes of the glare of light source objectively. Having relieved the excessive contrast with the dark background through the scattered light source, the comfort more favorable to vision. Here, science has made the " human-oriented " design philosophy channel of annotating consciously. On the other hand, beautiful and refined shape-designing of lamp shade, smooth elegant lines, a intricate succinct one change, not soft and abundant mere make, design and is permeated with out the strong artistic breath while being whole of. Meanwhile, its shape-designing


We can say, it is prolonged that the perfect combination of science and art has promoted " PH " lamps and lanterns in range of the world. It succeeds in fully proving: Art and science are from separating to nearing, and then it is not merely the needs of the times to realize the mutual supplement with each other's advantages, it is a need of each development of two disciplines too. To design taking modern science and technology as backing, the meaning among them is obvious. Science has not merely widened the designer's visual field and imagination space greatly, have established the material base for the realization that is designed from essence too. Art and science are not implacable, but can excavate to have great potentialities. Meanwhile, only dare to absorb the other side's advantage, digest and absorb rationally, could create the real classical design.

Hello,ladies and gentlemen.It's my great honour to speech here.First,i want to tell you all.My topic is "a flash unforgetable".A few weeks ago,while i was walking in the awful street,which is full of rubbish and leaves all around,my mood is so down.So i tried my best...


I love my speciality very much,because I can help people who need help.I think it's a very sacred thing.Of course,I know that it's very important for me to be kind and know something about it if I choose this job.But I'm sure that I can choose this special work.And...


Self-taught, can let my own study time, whenever and wherever possible, as long as I have the time to learn, to calm, let the knowledge into my soul, in the noisy place, give me the resolution of the capacity of things. Self-study can save considerable costs, to get know...


英语: Because love you, I lost myself; love you because I lost my self, because love you, I saw the wound; Told myself countless times, I am not your angel, and many times you meet in a dream, and you always missed, Numerous times and met you in a dream, always eag...


那条裙子很漂亮,是短的,上面还有白色的小花。it was really beautiful ,short with a white flower.但是它的价格很贵,要一百块钱。but its price was expensive,costing 100 yuan.我去找店家,问她可不可以便宜点。i talked with the shopkeeper and asked if the price could be cut off.她说...


I would like to send you a most precious gift - give you unlimited lives. "Then, smiling shook his head, but did not say anything. 金钱听了马上说:“生命算什么,就算有生命,没有钱怎么会活得逍遥自在呢?所以我送你数之不尽的金钱。”微笑又摇了摇头,没有说些什么。 Money listen...




my name is xiaohong, 12 years old. i am a very lively girl, sometimes could be a little crazy. i like reading magazines and chatting online. my phone number is 1234567. im very glad to be here and study with you guys, i feel that our class is like a big family, and ...


In my dream, I have a special house .In my view,the house is unique in the world.my house is on a banyan tree,a cute squirrel and bird are my friendly neighbors. We get along well with each other.I hung a beatiful swing in the branches,I like writing my poem while ...


writes the stapstick, creates poems for the theater. Can be found out by his characters works, he is still a sharp society and building critic.丹麦设计师汉宁森设计的“PH”灯具不仅是斯堪的纳维亚设计风格的典型代表,也体现了艺术设计的根本原则:科学技术与术的完美统一。这一设计早在1925...

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