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帮忙翻译一下 这个摘要

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 19:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 23:41


As the economy develops, the impact of transportation on our lives has become more and more significant, incurring traffic problems along with it, which results in the rapid springing up of researches on the intellective traffice control world wide.
Based on the TRANSYT, the Traffic & Roads Institute of U.K. developed the SCOOT System in 1973, and ever since then, algorithms of intellective traffice control has been coming out one after another. One of them is the SCATS, which was made by Australia in 1980s. The two algorithms mentions above are the masterpieces of self-adapting on-line operating systems, representing the two kinds of systems of solution generating and solution selecting respectively. As a new generation intellective algrithm, ACTRA is growing up graally under the current traffic control systems.
This paper first introces the outlines of the SCOOT, SCATS, and ACTRA algorithms, expounds their controlling concepts, flows, and implementations in detail. And then, the author shows several main components used in implementing the algorithms with C++Builder6, as well as the implementations demostrated in flow charts. At last, the author gives an introction to the communication with lower ends, defines the protocols, designs a C++Builder based server, and tells how to communicate with client ends.
There are five chapters in this paper. Chapter One is the exordium, introcing the backgound, meaning, and approaches of the thesis. Chapter Two gives introctions and implementing flows of the three algorithms. Chapter Threes goes for the implementations of the three algorithms with C++Builder. Chapter Four makes it clear that how to communicate with lower ends using C++Builder Socket components. And finally Chapter Five summarizes the outcomes and functionalities achieved in this paper as well as points to be improved.
不想让老婆看到我电脑里的一些东西怎么办? 桥好路由器停电后在来电老是获取lp 勒索病毒加密的文件如何恢复? TPU贴合膜多少钱 华为手机如何将输入法改为简体 肉丝炒金针菇做法 仓储冷链信息怎么申报 什么是药品冷链物流 浙江食品冷链运输多少钱 生物冷链具备什么资质 juice买的熊到手需要多久 网站首页被k还能恢复吗? 辅助触控苹果十几是方的 CLOT那条世界大战的新牛是不是限量的?五月份HK juice估计还有没有得卖? 程序优化的代码调整是一种局部的思维方式;基本上不触及算法层级;它面向的是代码,而不是问题; 在juice online 买东西现在是不是可以送大陆 陈冠希的潮店在哪里啊? vivox5pro3g运存版与双4g版区别 香港Clot招人么或者上海的juice vivox5pro是多大的屏 新的手机号为什么注册不了微信? 我想买陈冠希的CLOT,有哪位朋友在香港,帮忙在juice代购。 JUICE HK香港店开业陈冠希所穿的鞋品牌 vivox5pro手机多大内存 CLOT和JUICE之间是什么关系? vivo x5pro宽多少厘米? JUICE SH 和JUICE HK 求香港陈冠希潮店JUICE HK 新址 VISVIM BAPE专卖地址 vivo x5pro 手机内存多大的? 陈冠希HK JUICE店的地址? 关于Juice台湾 开业 CLOT X OF T恤 vivo x5prod与x5prol 陈冠希旗下的Clot凝结集团成员有哪些?详细一点.. 上海的clot和npc在哪里? 种植牙和烤瓷牙有什么不一样 英语六年级题目 改变句型 种植牙与烤瓷牙有什么区别 请问种植牙和烤瓷牙有区别吗,种植牙和烤瓷牙究竟有什么不同呢?拜托各位了 3Q 种植牙和真牙一样坚固耐用吗?烤瓷牙的效果呢? 世说新语全文翻译 衡阳解放路摆地摊要收费吗?是占位置还是钱有固定位置?想摆地摊,有很多问题都不懂,想请教你们,谢谢了 在衡阳师院旁摆地摊要交多少钱 摆地摊需要交钱吗 摆地摊要不要交租金? 摆地摊是不是要去找城管交钱?贵不贵啊? 请问在衡阳哪里摆地摊必较好,摊位是不是固定的?会收费吗? 短道速滑穿的鞋叫什么? 冰刀鞋能比喻成什么 衡阳市解放路夜市摆摊要收费吗? - 信息提示