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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 17:38



热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 16:49

应该是这样读。但外国人可能不懂,就需要解释一下。比如:our school is titled with "211" and "985". The titles only honored to the best universities in China.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 16:49

一般读the school titled with "two eleven" and "nine eighty-five"

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 16:50

National 211 Project Universities
Beijing University is one of the National 211 Project Universities in China.
What is the 211 engineering colleges and universities?
February 13, 1993 the CPC Central Committee, the State Council issued the "China Ecation Reform and Development Program and the implementation of views" on the <Chinese Ecation Reform and Development Outline of the State Council, the main spirit of the "211 Project": In order to meet the challenges of the world's new technological revolution for the 21st century to focus on all aspects of the central and local power stages focus on building about 100 colleges and universities and a number of key disciplines, professional, making it about 2000 in has greatly improved the quality of ecation, scientific research, management level, and school effectiveness, and significant progress in ecation reform, and strive to have a number of colleges and disciplines at the beginning of the 21st century, professional approach or reach the level of world-class University. Can be summarized expressed as: "211 Project" is the 21st century, focusing on the construction of about 100 colleges and universities and a number of key disciplines.

985 Project University
"985 Project" is implemented by Chinese government for the construction of a number of world-class universities and a number of internationally renowned high-level research university higher ecation construction projects.

为了清楚表达应该说:National two one one Project University 或 nine eight five Project University

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 16:50

一般是读作:the school titled with "two eleven" and "nine eighty-five"。

工程:engineering; project; work; programme。

高校:colleges and universities。








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