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关于“如果我是···”的 英语作文80字左右

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 04:02



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 05:43

If I Were a Doctor

The Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan occurred all of sudden. It was so quick that few expected. Tens of thousands of people died in this disaster. It broke my heart. How I wish I were a doctor! If I were a doctor, I could have saved many lives. This can soothe the pain of so many families in China. I would be so proud.

If I were a millionaire, 如果我是百万富翁

If I were a millionaire,I would take use of 50% of moneyand donate 50%of it. Many people would buy a house or travel the world. As for me, I would start a school. If I had a school, I would be able to ecate many children and teach them right from wrong. Anyone will tell you that chil- dren are a country’s future. If my dream comes true, I will be very happy because I will be doing my country a good service.

你若是百万富翁,你会怎么做?许多人会买幢房子或到世界 各地旅行。至于我,我会办一所学校。如果我有一所学校,我就 可以教育许多小孩并且教他们分辨是非。每个人都会说孩子是国 家的未来。我的梦想若实现的话,我将会很高兴,因为我将对国 家大有贡献。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 05:43

If I Were a Doctor

The Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan occurred all of sudden. It was so quick that few expected. Tens of thousands of people died in this disaster. It broke my heart. How I wish I were a doctor! If I were a doctor, I could have saved many lives. This can soothe the pain of so many families in China. I would be so proud.

If I were a millionaire, 如果我是百万富翁
关于“如果我是···”的 英语作文80字左右

If I were a millionaire, 如果我是百万富翁 If I were a millionaire,I would take use of 50% of moneyand donate 50%of it. Many people would buy a house or travel the world. As for me, I would start a school. If I had a school, I would be able to educate many childr...

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