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要John Michael的Real deal的完整歌词(我英语还好,所以别忽悠我哦,呵...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-13 12:36



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 04:19

I'm giving you the real deal
Ain't nothing fake
Give you the real deal
Ain't nothing made up
This is me
You hear me in them streets
Ain't nothing but the real deal
You got me?
I'm giving you the real

I'm giving you the real deal
Ain't nothing fake
Give you the real deal
Ain't nothing made up
This is me
You hear me in them streets
Ain't nothing but the real deal
You got me?
I'm giving you the real

Time to get off the couch and win this game
I spit flame
You say rap don't pay?
You say hip-hop fade?
I prove you're wrong by making you bump your dumb head
Hip-hop flip flopped
Fans drop teardrops
Drake's on the top?
Nicki's in the game cuz she sux Wayne's d*ck
Usher makes cash while chopping Bieber's asshole
Where do we go from here? That's what I'm asking!
Just listen to Black Eyed Peas
CD or MP3?
Why can't we just get music for free?
Are the artists just being lucky mascots to make money?
I ain't playing that game!
That's what I'm giving you mayne

I'm giving you the real deal
Ain't nothing fake
Give you the real deal
Ain't nothing made up
This is me
You hear me in them streets
Ain't nothing but the real deal
You got me?
I'm giving you the real

Did I forget to say "FU*K KANYE"?
Time to "Run Away"
And get on "DETOX"
with that faggot ass DRE
Loox like he liked to pick up the soap in the prison shower
Ross da Baws,
Time to get a LIPOSUCTION
Or GUCCI won't fit
Lord give us 2pac back,
You can take Bieber
God, take Waka Muthafuka Flame + Soulja Boi
Please bring B.I.G. back to the game
Fuck that shit!
I ain't playing that game!
I gvie you REAL DEAL!
And I ain't doing it for fame!

I'm giving you the real deal
Ain't nothing fake
Give you the real deal
Ain't nothing made up
This is me
You hear me in them streets
Ain't nothing but the real deal
You got me?
I'm giving you the real

I'm giving you the real deal
Ain't nothing fake
Give you the real deal
Ain't nothing made up
This is me
You hear me in them streets
Ain't nothing but the real deal
You got me?
I'm giving you the real
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