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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 13:23



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:35


to whom it may concern:

I am very glad to help Mr. X who is the student that graated in our university to write this recommendation letter.(+感觉这里加点东西把+) Life is full of wealth, the biggest wealth may be are the efforts and progress.(直译好奇怪的感觉 所以lz自己修改把) Mr. X is the energetic young man who is good at finding them. During three years learning in our school , the academic record has held the top in our school. Mr. X has strong language talent, the first year in high school he can speak English perfectly, that without a English environment. Me and Mr. X talked a lot in free time. In a teacher's point of view, Mr. X in class (。。。。), and while he and curious explore the world, get a lot of extracurricular knowledge. Mr X he is a person who easy get close to, talk to him people will get relax and happy, the most impressive is he had a awesome pronunciation of English, fluent and natural, completely don't recognize this is a never had children out on China said the English. In his school, come to our school to support teaching two New York university graates also highly of him, Mr. X also and two foreign teachers development the deep friendship. In short, Mr. X is a useful person, I believe that he will make a better future.
For Mr. X in your university study, I have every confidence, he'll be with their own special in your university organization to take part in all kinds of activities, also can finish all our courses to graate.

楼主求给分+加分啊 翻译了我一晚上的东西 回到正题

表示我英语也只有ESL-EO的水平啊 见谅~~ 太专业 也不好的啦 所以 就这样帮lz改出来了一篇
1. 建议lz不要写过多得奖或者过多等等 适当加 (*会弄得人家惭愧的)
2. 本人修改后的文章应该还有很多bug lz自行更改(*很想知道 楼主是用谁的口吻写的 我中文不好 看不懂 =3=)追问感谢您的热心,但是这很直白的是机译的感觉,如果到截止,还是没人自己翻的话我就把分给你。这个真心用不了,但是还是谢谢你。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:36

To Whom It May Concern:

I’m with great pleasure to recommend Mr. xxx, an excellent graate of us xxx high school, for your xxx program. Treasures are everywhere in one’s life, while the most precious of them may be the characteristics of being diligent and aspirant, which are the main advantages of Mr. xxx. He had always been the top 0.5% student of school ring the high school period, with his long-lasting energetic study. Mr. xxx, as a most talented student in the language field of my knowledge, spoke fluent and pure American English and used to win the third prize of Oral English Competition in xxx Province. I have heard favorable comments of him from his Chinese teacher and his English teacher, and I have also had talks with him myself on the issues of language, history, philosophy, physics, etc. I was amazed by the width of knowledge he had gained, which could come from his curiosity for exploring the world; and talking with him was quite pleasing. In his second year of high school study, there were two graates of New York University volunteering teaching here, and Mr. xxx developed a deep friendship with them, winning high praises as well. In conclusion, Mr. xxx is a most promising young man who deserves a bright future. Your favorable consideration of his admission will be very much appreciated.

首先祝你申请顺利! 翻译的过程中删了几处我认为枝节和重复的地方.

此外有个问题: 其实俺写英文的时候, 很习惯句与句间都用逻辑连接词来接上, 但这篇短文似乎每句在说不同的事, 没有明显的逻辑或时间上的承接关系? 所以基本也就按照原文来了.

这样的随意的叙述口吻显得很亲切, 但如果考虑到表述的清晰, 也可以在最开始就把后面事例要说明的优点罗列出来, 单为一段. 第二段的事例再跟总述一一对应. 当然最好的还是把它们本身就按逻辑串起来, 该点的点出来. 比如:

"课程学习很优秀, (具体). 同时, 课外知识也很丰富, (具体). 除了知识之外, 他还乐于从交流中学习, (事例). 在交流中, 他出色的英语口语...., (事例)." 类似于这样~~ 供参考! XD

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:36

to whom it may concern:

Very honoured to help in our university graation of Mr. XXX write this recommendation letter. Life is all wealth, one of the biggest wealth may be efforts and progress of human nature and shine through and Mr. X it is the energetic young people are good at finding, and a member of the Mr. X in our school learning of the three-year between, the study result has held the top 0.5% in our school. Mr. X is I more than 20 years teaching career of a few extremely has the language talent a, his first year in high school can speak speak perfect English, and then he took part in the speaking competition at the provincial level, and the third win for the good grades. His English teacher and Chinese teachers had bowed to recommend the students, I and Mr. X in the free movement of physical ecation is also the time to talk to for a long time, from English talked about philosophy, from physical chat to history, to a teacher's point of view, Mr. X in class for he shall be of knowledge tree of the master, and while he and curious explore the world, get a lot of extracurricular knowledge. Talk to him and let a person relaxed and happy, and the most impressive is he speak perfect American English, fluent and natural, completely don't recognize this is a never had children out on China said the English. In his school, come to our school to support teaching two New York university graates also highly of him, Mr. X also and two foreign teachers development the deep friendship. In short, Mr. X is a valuable young people, I also believe that he will create a more beautiful future.

For Mr. X in your university study, I have every confidence, he'll be with their own special in your university organization to take part in all kinds of activities, serious shoe all our courses of graate.

This is probably, thank you for your time. If there are improving Suggestions please you also write, earned points to add cent thank you!

the academic record has held the top in our school. Mr. X has strong language talent, the first year in high school he can speak English perfectly, that without a English environment. Me and Mr. X talked a lot in free time. In a teacher's point of view, Mr. X in cl...


2、选择学校与专业。3、准备材料。美国大学转学的材料一般学校的要求大致是相同的。主要有推荐信,大学成绩单,高中成绩单,PS,Essay 等。申请美国大学转学材料的核心就是向对方学校显示出你正是他们想要的学生。4、寄材料。5、确定学校。


如康奈尔大学的数学专业,要求必须修线性代数、微积分、初级计算机编程等的先修课程。在其他大学就读不到两年的学生,是不能直接进入康奈尔的数学专业的,所以大二结束前完成以上先修课程,才能进入数学专业。可转学分 一般来说,专业的匹配度越高,专业课程跟要申请的大学课程越匹配,你的可转学分就越高。






2、推荐信(Letters of Recommendation) 推荐信是由申请人在国内就读的学校或以前就读过的学校的教授向申请学校写的推荐申请人入学与申请奖学金资助的信函。美国大学一般要求申请人提供2-3封教授推荐信以了解申请人在学习成绩、学业成就、工作能力、在校期间表现以及申请人性格特征等方面的情况,信函一率用英文书写。许多...


大四在读)语言成绩:托福80+ 雅思6.5+,无语言可申请双录取/预科。2. 中英文毕业证、学位证GRE成绩:310分以上(法律专业除外)。3. 中英文大学成绩单(成绩越高越能申请好的学校)。4. TOEFL,IELTS,GRE,GMAT成绩。5. 推荐信。6. 个人陈述或Essay。上面这些信息都是常规要求,...






GRE要达到1530-2000分,GMAT要达到530-700分,只有一部分学校不要求这两项分数,学生如果分数较低,也有可能被某些院校录取。 怎样选择美国的学校 1.选择学校应考虑的因素 首先要正确估计自己的英语水平,根据自己的英语情况选择合适的学校。 了解所选学校的教学、科研水平及专业设置情况是否与自己所学专业和所从事的研究...

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