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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 13:00



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 23:43

What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. Leaders don ’ t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along.

Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.

Good leaders aren’ t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization’ s strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.

Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what’ s already there. They want to move forward to create something new.

Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with.

Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. Leaders make the right things happen when they’re supposed to.

A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.

领导人给予指导和解答,拥有力量和献身精神,他们从经验及对所面对的问题的理解和对合作者的了解来说话。 领导处事灵活,不因循守旧。他们相信统一而不是顺从。他们力图在冲突中达成共识。


热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 23:44

On Leadership

What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify.

Leaders don 't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get commitment from others by giving it

themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.

Good leaders aren’ t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization’ s strategies for success require the combined talents

and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.

Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take

responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what’ s already there. They want to move

forward to create something new. Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from

experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with.

Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of

Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating

them to work toward a common good. Leaders make the right things happen when they’re supposed to.

A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who

has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that

respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.

领导人给予指导和解答,拥有力量和献身精神,他们从经验及对所面对的问题的理解和对合作者的了解来说话。 领导处事灵活,不因循守旧。他们相信统一而不是顺从。他们力图在冲突中达成共识。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 23:44

On Leadership

What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify.

Leaders don 't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get commitment from others by giving it

themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.

Good leaders aren’ t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization’ s strategies for success require the combined talents

and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.

Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take

responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what’ s already there. They want to move

forward to create something new. Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from

experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with.

Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of

Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating

them to work toward a common good. Leaders make the right things happen when they’re supposed to.

A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who

has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that

respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 23:45


热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 23:46

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