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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 09:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:48

我很悲催的成为了我们班的演讲主持每天都要点评别人的演讲,我比他们演讲的都要辛苦= =、加油吧!我们一起努力O(∩_∩)O~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:49

Today I am here to compete for the English hoster for my school.
When I was in Grade 4 in primary school, I went to a new school. As the English book we were using are very different from the one in the new school, my English score was not good. I was very worried that time. But my moto is where there is a will, there is a way. Then I went to an outside school English class and started to learn the new book step by step. Little by little I caught up with the other classmates. We had a very good teacher with a beautiful voice. I correct my prononciation from her and often talk with her in English. During that time my spoken English improved a lot. Last year when I saw the English programmes on CCTV English channel, I thought the English hosters were very great! I realized that was the job I really want to do in the future. And today I am very glad to have the opportunity to compete for the English hoster for my school. I believe I can do it well.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:48

我很悲催的成为了我们班的演讲主持每天都要点评别人的演讲,我比他们演讲的都要辛苦= =、加油吧!我们一起努力O(∩_∩)O~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:49

Today I am here to compete for the English hoster for my school.
When I was in Grade 4 in primary school, I went to a new school. As the English book we were using are very different from the one in the new school, my English score was not good. I was very worried that time. But my moto is where there is a will, there is a way. Then I went to an outside school English class and started to learn the new book step by step. Little by little I caught up with the other classmates. We had a very good teacher with a beautiful voice. I correct my prononciation from her and often talk with her in English. During that time my spoken English improved a lot. Last year when I saw the English programmes on CCTV English channel, I thought the English hosters were very great! I realized that was the job I really want to do in the future. And today I am very glad to have the opportunity to compete for the English hoster for my school. I believe I can do it well.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:48

我很悲催的成为了我们班的演讲主持每天都要点评别人的演讲,我比他们演讲的都要辛苦= =、加油吧!我们一起努力O(∩_∩)O~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:49

Today I am here to compete for the English hoster for my school.
When I was in Grade 4 in primary school, I went to a new school. As the English book we were using are very different from the one in the new school, my English score was not good. I was very worried that time. But my moto is where there is a will, there is a way. Then I went to an outside school English class and started to learn the new book step by step. Little by little I caught up with the other classmates. We had a very good teacher with a beautiful voice. I correct my prononciation from her and often talk with her in English. During that time my spoken English improved a lot. Last year when I saw the English programmes on CCTV English channel, I thought the English hosters were very great! I realized that was the job I really want to do in the future. And today I am very glad to have the opportunity to compete for the English hoster for my school. I believe I can do it well.
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