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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 09:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:32

collect old photos, collect 根据句子用不同的时态。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:32

an old photo
old photos

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:33

collect old photos

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:34


Old photographsand places I remember
Just like a dying ember


However, they are supposed to use old photographs or information on the rating list.

The book is written in clear and elegant prose and is well illustrated with architectural drawings, old photographs, and reproctions of tourist brochures, posters, and postcards.

Old photographs from the 1930s and post-war show that a huge number of people cycled to work.



Why people never smiled in old photographs?

In most old photos— those taken in the 19th century and early 20th century — people aren't smiling. That's led to the popular belief that people simply didn't smile in old photos. So why did people in old photos look like they'd just heard the worst news of their life? We can't know for sure, but a few theories help us guess what was behind all that black-and-white frowning.

One common explanation for the lack of smiles in old photosis that long exposure times — the time a camera needs to take a picture — made it important for the subject of a picture to stay as still as possible. That way, the picture wouldn't look blurry.

Today, photography is a means of recording our lives as they're lived. But in the early days of the art, it was indebted to a tradition of portraiture in painting. A photograph was a frozen presentation of a person, not a moment in time. Even the models thought so.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:32

collect old photos, collect 根据句子用不同的时态。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:33

an old photo
old photos

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:33

collect old photos

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:34


Old photographsand places I remember
Just like a dying ember


However, they are supposed to use old photographs or information on the rating list.

The book is written in clear and elegant prose and is well illustrated with architectural drawings, old photographs, and reproctions of tourist brochures, posters, and postcards.

Old photographs from the 1930s and post-war show that a huge number of people cycled to work.



Why people never smiled in old photographs?

In most old photos— those taken in the 19th century and early 20th century — people aren't smiling. That's led to the popular belief that people simply didn't smile in old photos. So why did people in old photos look like they'd just heard the worst news of their life? We can't know for sure, but a few theories help us guess what was behind all that black-and-white frowning.

One common explanation for the lack of smiles in old photosis that long exposure times — the time a camera needs to take a picture — made it important for the subject of a picture to stay as still as possible. That way, the picture wouldn't look blurry.

Today, photography is a means of recording our lives as they're lived. But in the early days of the art, it was indebted to a tradition of portraiture in painting. A photograph was a frozen presentation of a person, not a moment in time. Even the models thought so.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:32

collect old photos, collect 根据句子用不同的时态。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:33

an old photo
old photos

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:33

collect old photos

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 00:34


Old photographsand places I remember
Just like a dying ember


However, they are supposed to use old photographs or information on the rating list.

The book is written in clear and elegant prose and is well illustrated with architectural drawings, old photographs, and reproctions of tourist brochures, posters, and postcards.

Old photographs from the 1930s and post-war show that a huge number of people cycled to work.



Why people never smiled in old photographs?

In most old photos— those taken in the 19th century and early 20th century — people aren't smiling. That's led to the popular belief that people simply didn't smile in old photos. So why did people in old photos look like they'd just heard the worst news of their life? We can't know for sure, but a few theories help us guess what was behind all that black-and-white frowning.

One common explanation for the lack of smiles in old photosis that long exposure times — the time a camera needs to take a picture — made it important for the subject of a picture to stay as still as possible. That way, the picture wouldn't look blurry.

Today, photography is a means of recording our lives as they're lived. But in the early days of the art, it was indebted to a tradition of portraiture in painting. A photograph was a frozen presentation of a person, not a moment in time. Even the models thought so.

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