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谁帮我写一下一段对话 英语的 大概两三分钟

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 17:35



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 16:55

i would like to be a bird.when i was in the high school,the most thing i want to do is to get freedom,especially when i had so mant exams to take,so many books to read,and so much homework to do.and you know that as a person lived in the whole society ,one must take great pressure.so when i see that the birds fly in the sky freedly,and sing happily ,yes ,i just would like to be a bird!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 16:55

well,actually~This isn't something that I have ever considered.But I imagine I would possibly think about being a dophlin. Thin main reason for this is that I enjoye the feelings swimming in the sea, which is amazing and relaxing. When being a chid,~~~(加故事,对大海,对鱼,对游泳,的喜欢都可以)On the other hand, if I were trained in the aquarium, I would not be depressed. I would bring happiness to the audience, specially childen, as which I regard the sources of pleasure and sense of fulfilment.
谁帮我写一下一段对话 英语的 大概两三分钟

i would like to be a bird.when i was in the high school,the most thing i want to do is to get freedom,especially when i had so mant exams to take,so many books to read,and so much homework to do.and you know that as a person lived in the whole society ,one must...


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