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Have a good night 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 17:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-08 18:56

歌曲名:Have a good night
专辑:Code Name Blue

「Have a good night」
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'll show you my everything.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.
Espresso double double shots.
I, I will not sleep tonight.
Tomorrow is a holiday.
Espresso double double shots.
I think I will stop to drink.
Tonight will be a great night.
Yes, it is not paradise in a different things.
Tonight, I have hidden hidden card
that I can make you crazy.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'll show you my everything.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.
Put your hands up over me.
Put your hands up over me. Tonight.
Hey, do not get me wrong.
I did not drink alcohol.
Put your hands up over me.
Put your hands up over me. Tonight.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.
Our Acoustic, Electric guitars,
bass and drum and your great cheers,
They will make you crazy tonight.
Espresso double double shots.
I think I will stop to drink.
Tonight will be a great night.
Yes, it is not paradise in a different things.
Tonight, I have hidden hidden card
that I can make you crazy.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'll show you my everything.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.
Put your hands up over me.
Put your hands up over me. Tonight.
Hey, do not get me wrong.
I did not drink alcohol.
Put your hands up over me.
Put your hands up over me. Tonight.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.
Put your hands up over me tonight.
Put your hands up over me tonight.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'll show you my everything.
Have a, Have a good time.
Have a, Have a good night.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.
Put your hands up over me.
Put your hands up over me. Tonight.
Hey, do not get me wrong.
I did not drink alcohol.
Put your hands up over me.
Put your hands up over me. Tonight.
I'm ready to start. Baby, It is party time.

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