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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 11:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:27

One possible versionGood morning, everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about young people’s dreams. People like to use the word “dream” to express their strong desires for their future. Some young people dream of becoming scientists while some wish to be astronauts. Others want to be rich. In my opinion, no matter what we are in the future, what’s important is that we are responsible for our socirty and the people. In order to realize our dream, we should first learn to be helpful. What’s more, as students, we should try our best in our studies. I know that the dream I have requires hard work to make it come true.
That’s all. Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:27

One possible versionGood morning, everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about young people’s dreams. People like to use the word “dream” to express their strong desires for their future. Some young people dream of becoming scientists while some wish to be astronauts. Others want to be rich. In my opinion, no matter what we are in the future, what’s important is that we are responsible for our socirty and the people. In order to realize our dream, we should first learn to be helpful. What’s more, as students, we should try our best in our studies. I know that the dream I have requires hard work to make it come true.
That’s all. Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:27

One possible versionGood morning, everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about young people’s dreams. People like to use the word “dream” to express their strong desires for their future. Some young people dream of becoming scientists while some wish to be astronauts. Others want to be rich. In my opinion, no matter what we are in the future, what’s important is that we are responsible for our socirty and the people. In order to realize our dream, we should first learn to be helpful. What’s more, as students, we should try our best in our studies. I know that the dream I have requires hard work to make it come true.
That’s all. Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:27

One possible versionGood morning, everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about young people’s dreams. People like to use the word “dream” to express their strong desires for their future. Some young people dream of becoming scientists while some wish to be astronauts. Others want to be rich. In my opinion, no matter what we are in the future, what’s important is that we are responsible for our socirty and the people. In order to realize our dream, we should first learn to be helpful. What’s more, as students, we should try our best in our studies. I know that the dream I have requires hard work to make it come true.
That’s all. Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:27

One possible versionGood morning, everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about young people’s dreams. People like to use the word “dream” to express their strong desires for their future. Some young people dream of becoming scientists while some wish to be astronauts. Others want to be rich. In my opinion, no matter what we are in the future, what’s important is that we are responsible for our socirty and the people. In order to realize our dream, we should first learn to be helpful. What’s more, as students, we should try our best in our studies. I know that the dream I have requires hard work to make it come true.
That’s all. Thank you!
...关于“梦想”的英语演讲比赛,你打算写一篇演讲稿参加比赛。_百度知 ...

That’s all. Thank you!


My doar friends It is a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of all present here.How time flies! Our junior high school lives will come to an end.In the past three years, we’ve had a beautiful school and it provides us with a good study place. Teachers are...


昨天,我们讨论了关于“我的梦想是什么”的话题。每个人都有梦想,有的人想当老是,有的人想当科学家。我的梦想是当一名医生。朋友们问我为什么。我告诉了他们一个 故事 。当我还是个小男孩的时候,我的身体很虚弱。有一次,我病得特别厉害,发着高烧。父母亲把我送到医院,但是医生无能为力。


有关梦想的英语演讲稿1 Everyone has their own dreams, I am no exception. This is my dream for five years. I grew up love swimming, correct posture, swim fast, heard a lot of praise, some said to I taught them to swim! From then on, the dream was born, so I keep prac...


Everyone have dreams, which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams 每个人都有梦想, 它是人人所渴望的。 没有梦想的人 in his life will be empty, but dreams always be changing as your thought go forward.的人生将是空白的, 但梦想总是随着你思想的前进而改变的。

求英语作文, 假定你学校将举行英语演讲比赛,请你针对目前中学生身心健康...

for most exercise is played by team.students are faced with the pressure to attend senior high school entrance examination,only having a stong body ,can they meet the challenge successfully.如果我们的身体不强壮,我们做事的精神一定会十分迟钝。同时,我们也缺少能量(IES)研究。疾病只为侵...


we should like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.As a saying puts, " Actions speak louder than words", please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, ...

...my future 为主题的英语演讲会 写一篇英语作文 80字

Everyone have a great furture in their mind. I also have a dream what I want to be a policeman. Police is a great job, and their uniform is cool.This ia a reason that I want to be a policeman. When I am on it,a handsome man apear in my head.Although it's a ...

假如你是李华,上周五你校举办了英语演讲比赛,你荣获一等奖。 英语作文...

Dear Susan,I am writing the letter to tell you that I got a first prize in the English Speech Contest held in my school last Friday. Thanks for your guide in my English study.You gave me a lot of help.I was very happy when we stayed together studying. During the time we...


breath to relax myself and started my speech. The result was not as good as I expected, but I preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whose process was the most important for me. I can learn a lot from this contest. I am sure I will be better next time.

英语作文假设你叫李华 高一英语作文大全范文 关于自由英语作文 介绍你的朋友英语作文 高一英语作文题目 英语作文范文10篇 高一优秀英语作文 英语高一作文 高中英语作文20篇
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