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Level 3 Lesson 1: 为什么迟到的总是你?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 14:50



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 16:18


Level 3 Unit 1 Part 1

Listening —— An Unusual Day

Listening —— Bus Schedule

There are various reasons for being late.

A-1: Oversleep

didn't hear the alarm=没有听到闹钟响

Eg. She overslept because she didn't hear her alarm.



Eg. I overslept this morning.

I slep right through the alarm.  我没被闹钟叫醒,直接睡过去了。

A-2: The alarm didn't go off.  闹钟根本没响。

If the alarm didn't go off, you probably won't get up until you naturally wake up.

A-3: 磨蹭

I wanted to be on time, but I spent too much time deciding what to wear.

A-4: 预估时间有误

You underestimate the time needed. (underestimate=低估)

You may think you only need 20 minutes to finish a task, but actually it can take up to 40 minutes.

A-5: 丢三落四

I left my phone at home and had to go back.

I forgot my laptop at home and had to go back.

A-6: 走错方向

I went the wrong way.

I took the wrong bus.

I went to the wrong place.

Actually people can easily get lost when they go to a new place.

a sense of direction=方向感

You have a bad sense of direction.

B-1: 交通拥堵

end up doing sth.=以……告终

Sometimes, even though we leave home early and go the right way, we still end up being late.

The traffic was much worse than usual.

worse (bad的比较级)

much worse than usual=和往常相比要糟糕很多

The cars were moving very slowly.

B-2: 交通工具晚点/延误

be supposed to do sth.  应该做某事,预期做某事

Bus NO.38 was supposed to come at 8:40, but it was 5 minutes late.


My flight was delayed and I missed my meeting.

B-3: 交通工具出故障

Her car didn't start because its battery was dead.

break down=出故障

My car broke down.

The bus/ subway broke down.

B-4: 找不到停车位

parking space=停车位

I couldn't find a parking space.

as the saying goes=俗话说,常言道

As the saying goes, better late than never. 晚到总比不到好。

I'm sorry, but I'm running late.

I'm afraid that I'm going to be late for work / the meeting / the interview.


1. I overslept.

2. I went the wrong way.

3. I left my phone at home and had to go back.


1. There was a traffic jam.

2. My flight was delayed.

3. The subway broke down.

1. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

2. It's hard to say, but I'll be there as soon as possible.

1. Sorry, I was late. This won't happen again. I'll finish my work on time.

2. I'm terrible sorry, I won't be late again. I'll be working late tonight.

I'm sorry, but I'm normally on time.

1. Try to make the most of your time.

2. Review the meeting minutes(会议纪要) .

1. Dinner's on me.

2. I'll buy you lunch.

3. I'll treat you to a movie.

1. Put your alarm on the other side of room.

2. Set multiple alarms.

3. map out a route / plan a route=规划路线

4. leave home early=早点出门

5. pack the bag=整理包包

6. set out the clothes=准备好衣服

You are your own worst enemy.=你最大的敌人就是自己。


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